Sergeant mike Horvath

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A/N - i don't really know where i was really going with this  but anyway i hope you enjoy anyway !

Gender neutral

You sat down in what was left of a church trying to get some sleep.You could here the light chatter of the other men , it didn't bother you in anyway."Corporal?" Horvath said.'probably talking to upham' you thought.You slightly opened your eyes to see sergeant Horvath looking at you."Sergeant?" You asked yawning straight afterwards."Have you still got that letter from earlier" he asked quietly.You nodded and reached into your back pocket to get it.You found the letter and handed the letter to him."Thank you corporal" he smiled.You closed your eyes once again to try and sleep.


You ran through an empty field with nothing but your knife.Bullets fired passed you as you ran , none hitting you but still firing past you.You didn't know where anyone else was but you where scared.You kept running but what was ahead of you seemed to be nothing but fog.Your heart was pounding in your chest.You tripped over something and fell over onto a body.You look down to see Jackson lying their emotionless and pale.You tried to scream but nothing came out.You tried to get up but you couldn't get up.You crawled along the grass as bullets still fired above your head.You pulled yourself up with a old gun carriage. You kept running but you couldn't run much faster.bang. the pain of the bullet shot through your shoulder. Bang another threw your knee.Bang another in your chest.Then nothing.Everything went quite.You kept running but soon realised , everything was just fog."Hello" you called out.Nothing but your echo responded."Reiben ? Wade , Hello" you yelled but still nothing but your echo.Your breath started to get hard to catch.'where the hell am i ?' . You tried to keep running to get out the fog but it keep going.You kept going but you weren't going anywhere.You wanted to scream but nothing was able to make a sound, your voice felt like it was being repressed. You then fell into an eternal darkness.your heart felt like it was in your mouth as you wanted to scream out.

{end of nightmare}

Your eyes shot open and deeply inhaled realising you where safe for the time being.You looked about and everyone was asleep. "You okay corporal" someone said. You looked over to see Sergeant Horvath looking over at you with soft eyes."Uh , y-yea Im fine Sarg thanks , just had a bad dream that's all" you sighed.He got up and walked quietly over to sit with you.he sat next to you and sighed quietly making sure not wake anyone up."you want to talk about it , you never talk about yourself I feel" He whispered quietly."Uh it's confusing to explain but I Uh just woke up thinking I was alone , Im not a fan of being alone" you whispered."You not going to be alone okay , I know you may feel like your alone but I'll always be here with you when I can" He gently said.He gently pulled you closer and took your hand.As you locked eyes
With him he tilted your head up he gently kissed you.You weren't expecting it but you gently kissed him back.He gently pulled you into his lap.The kiss slowly deepened as he held your was hard to get any sort of 'that' kind of attention during the war so you enjoyed that moment while you could.As he broke the kiss you both let out a content sigh."just rest up,okay ?" he whispered softly."Okay"you whispered back.

You closed your eyes as you carefully leaned against his shoulder.he gently rubbed your thumb as you started to fall asleep on his shoulder .He sighed happily as you finally fell asleep.He gently rested his head on the top of the sky lightened outside ,you both quietly slept before leaving the next where glad that you where able to sleep last night.You didn't want to say but Sarg was rather nice to sleep against.No one brought up you and sergeant Horvaths little sleeping thing but you didn't really mind.It still put a smile on your face.He would always give you little smiles before hand but that night was the first time was the closest you both had gotten over this war and time together over all.

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