PFC Richard Reiban

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*Female leaning*

**after the battle at Rammel**

I slowly awoke in a hospital.My head was pounding and I could hardly feel my legs.I groaned slightly as I tried to sit up but was unable to.I just lay down and looked around my surroundings.Yet someone occupied the chair next to my bed , it was reiben for that matter.He was fast asleep with some stitches in his face.

"He hardly left your side" A nurse said which slightly startled me."It's good to see you awake , how are you feeling"She asked.

"Just ...... sore I guess" I said as she nodded her head in response."Well the next round of medication will be soon so hold on tight" she said as I nodded.i looked over at reiben again to see him still asleep.I smiled slightly, he looked so peaceful, i probably shouldn't wake him up.

I then lay back down on the makeshift bed and fidgeted with my dog tags."Y/n"I heard a tired voice say.I looked over to see reiben awake."Hey reiben" I said with a smile.He gently smiled back to me as he stood up and took my hand."I was worried you weren't going to wake up" he whispered just enough so I would here him."Well worrying is over" I said as I tried to sit up slightly. This time I was more successful."Your stitches , do they hurt" i asked.

"Not really , they said It would scar though" he said as he gently rubbed over it."Well what's next for you then" I asked feeling like I already knew the answer to the question."Well they want me in here for the next couple of days to observe my health but uh after that , probably back for Brooklyn for me" he sighed.In my head , he didn't sound completely sure of his response."You don't sound too sure" I said looking down slightly.He then looked up at me and took my hand carefully."You should Rest you know" he said.I just nodded in agreement.what else was I suppose to say , I mean I handn't anywhere to go but , he didn't need to know.reiben slowly rubbed my hand as I lay down."Bet you have a nice place to go home to after the war huh" he said.I felt my heart sink.I shook my head.

"my family got killed in a bombing not long after I left for basic training " I said trying to keep back the tears.I made eye contact with him and he gave me a soft look of sorrow."Im sorry I didn't know" he muttered slowly gripping my hand.i never noticed how his eyes could melt my heart in an odd way.He continued to hold my hand as we talked more.

He then stood up and leaned over me and kissed me gently on the lips.I gently returned the kiss as I cupped his face.My heart fluttered in my Chest.he then broke the kiss and smiled down at me."You know , I could always use some company back in Brooklyn or , I land up" Reiben said with a smile."I'd like that" I smiled back up at him.He then kissed me again before leaving to let me rest.

After I was discharged , me and reiban ended up in Brooklyn for a while until we where able to stabilise our selves back into civilian life again.Some nights where worse than others but we were there for each other to help one another.

It was a few months on that we finally got together as a couple.We loved each other too much to be apart.Once we both were stable enough we both moves into a nice 3 bedroomed house in the suburbs of New York.It was peaceful and a nice place.We have been here for 2 years and it's been lovely.

But for the past couple weeks , I've been getting awful morning sickness.I don't know what's causing it.But this morning it was bad.

"Baby , where— oh babe , again" Richard said as he found me leaning over the toilet again.He pulled the hair out of my face and gently rubbed me back."Babe i really think we should go to the doctors , something is up" he said sounding worried.I just nodded as I sat next to the toilet after wipping my mouth.

**after doctors**

It turns out i was pregnant.It made sense from when we did it.i was excited and Richard was too.On the way to the car , he pulled me aside and kissed me."I just want you to know I love you and can't wait for this baby to be born, we're going to have a family" Reiben said sounding excited about having a family."I love you so much and I can't wait to be a mother , in sure this baby will love you" I smile before kissing him was a lovely start to our family.our own family.


Hey folks , I'm not sure if I'm a huge fan of what I've written on this one here but if you wouldn't mind letting me know what you think about it ! That would be great

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