Corporal Timothy Upham

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You sat in a cafe in mid august as people where out doing their usual Sunday things after carefully turned the page off your book to focused on your book to notice all the couples walking past.You went to get another sip off your coffee when you realised you saw a familiar face at the other side of the cafe.It was your ex , Damien, out with another girl.It had only been 2 months since you had broken up but he wasn't yours to fuss over anymore right?.It still hurt knowing that he was giving her the love you basically had to beg him to even give you a little.You blinked away the tears that had formed.You shut your book to go to the bathroom and upon your return you noticed a new face sitting at the table across from you.He was in a dress army uniform , he was tall and kind of on the lanky side but still well built in the shoulders.He was lighting a cigarette as you sat down picked up your book once again but as you did you started to pick up the scent of the cigarette smoke from the man behind you.Your nose curled at the smell but you learned to ignore it over time.As you turned the page over , you heard a voice mutter your name from across the knew it was Damien chatting about you as you didn't know anyone else their. You looked up carefully from your book to see the girl he was with sneer at you.the other chair at table screeched as it pulled out from underneath the table.You looked up to see the man in the army uniform sitting across the table from you.

"he's here with a new girl each week , he's struggling to keep a hold of one , i wouldn't worry" he smiled.You lightly smiled at that as you put your book down."seems about right" you smiled at this oddly handsome stranger."i'm Timothy , nice to meet you" he said putting out a cigarette. "nice to meet you , i'm Y/N" you smiled.You both were talking for ages before it started to get dark."well i should probably start to head home ive to stop off at the store to get some groceries" you smiled politely."are you walking ? i could walk you , its quite dark now" he smiled."sure , it would be nice to have some company" you smiled softly.As you both walked together , he couldn't seem to take his eyes off yours , which in all honesty , made you blush slightly.He lightly brushed his hands against yours.As the store came into sight , he gently wrapped his arm around your waist.Your face lit up at he did it.You entered the store together as you pushed the trolley you had picked up.

You where both half way through the shopping , you noticed Damien in by himself.You tried to ignore him which was easy for you and timothy.Timothy gripped your waist as he saw Damien looking over a few times.You noticed the gripping feeling on your waist and started to feel it getting tense so decided to move to the next isle."You want me to get anything for you" He asked."i don't think so , i just need to go the freezer at the end of the isle so could you just wait with the shopping , please" you asked as he nodded and you where picking up something from the freezer you felt a strong grip on your waist.You shot up to see Damien standing next to you."I see you've down graded from me sweetheart" he smirked."get your hand off me , Damien" You said moving back."and if i don't ?" He grinned.Timothy then walked over to try and help you but before he could get to you , Damien tried to kissed you.You tried to shove him off but then Timothy ripped him off of you.You stumbled back a little as timothy held your waist gently."come on , lets just go" Timothy muttered to you.He took your waist as you both walked away."thank you" you whispered in his ear as Damien silently cursed your name."No problem" He whispered back.As you payed and left with your groceries , timothy was still persistent to walk you home as it was gradually getting darker as the sun set.

As you got through your gate , you felt bad as you had nothing to give him for all he had done today."so um how about i make dinner for the both of us , as a thank you" you said turning around to face him."really ? that would be great thank you" he smiled. you let him inside and started to unpack the shopping in the kitchen.You both ended up opening up a bottle of wine.Which led to a 2nd , then a 3rd , then a 4th.Dinner never got made in the end.However you somehow both managed to make it down to your bedroom.His hands gripped your waist as you both made out.Your hand where around his neck.he pinned you onto your bed as your lips never left his.As you both slowly undressed each other , he could tell you where getting frustrated which made him smirk.As he kissed your neck and chest whilst removing your bra , your hands threaded through his hair. the night seemed to go on for ever but neither of you minded with being in each others company ;). Your troubles seemed to just disappear that night.His hand caressing your body while yours gripped the sheets.You never knew someone could make you feel like that.Your thighs where shaking as he kept going in.You moaned in his ear as he smirked."That's it darling just like that" He smirked as he held your hands above you with one hand.You both had probably woken the neighbours but you couldn't care less.

You both lay their afterwards catching your breath.You gently kissed him as he lay on his back.You lay neck to him as his arm wrapped around you.He took out a cigarette and lit it while you adjusted yourself to him.The smell of cigarettes slowly filled the room and slowly filtered out the window.You slowly started to fall asleep while he smoked. Maybe you didn't mind the smell of smoke after all.

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