Private first class Richard Reiban

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A/N : I'm going to start to try and put the year and stuff before writing so you guys don't have worry about if it's before or after or you can ignore it :) thank you :)

Gender neutral

Shortish story ?!

You where at a party one night.You where with your sister and her friends as it was her hendoo (idk how to spell it) and you where having a great time.Everyone seemed to be having a great time weather it was someone you knew or not.Except for one person.He was sat at the bar with a beer while he sulked in his self sorrow.As he went to turn around , he accidentally bumped into you as you went to get a drink."Sorry about that" he said as he looked down at you.He blushed slightly as you looked up at him."It's fine , accidents happen" you smiled up at him.You went to the counter and ordered your drink but he still stood their.'god she's pretty' he thought.You picked up your drink and headed back into the crowd.He hoped to see you again throughout the night.As the night went on you didn't drink to much as you weren't a heavy drinker.You then saw the mysterious man from the bar before.He was across the room but you both had made eye contact.He wanted to make a move but was nervous you where already with someone.Once he noticed someone else making a move on you , he felt a flame ignite in his chest.

You weren't sure of the man who was chatting you up.He seemed to overly nice towards you and it made you feel distrusting.He started to get closer and put his hands on you."Can you not touch me" you said."Come on sweetheart, you know you want me" he smirked.You tried to get away but his grip tightened on your waist."Get off" you half yelled as you broke out of his grasp and into the accidentally bumped into someone and you looked up to see the first man from tonight."Are you alright" he asked."Uh , Yea , Yea I'm okay" you said wiping away your tears."Hey come on let's go outside for a minute and breath" he smiled.You nodded as he gently took your hand.Once the air had hit your face , you felt like you could finally breath."It's okay just breath" he gently muttered to you as he rubbed your back.You took another deep breath before the tears finally steadied."You wanna talk about it ?" he asked."It's okay , I'll be okay" you sighed lightly."My uh , my names Richard by the way , Richard reiben" He smiled."Well , thank you Richard , my name is y/n  , y/n Macdonald" you smiled lightly."Well how about I walk you home , it's getting late" he smiled as he gestured for your hand."Sure , that would be lovely thank you" you smiled.You gently took his arm as you headed back home.

"You've got really lovely eyes you know that" he whispered in your ear."Thank you" you whispered back softly.he gently rubbed over your thumb to try and help calm you down.As you started getting closer to your house , you felt a couple spits of rain starting to fall."Oh just what we need" Richard sarcastically sighed.It got heavy really quickly."Come on" you giggled as you started to run with him."You are something else" he smiled softly.You both ran down the street hoping you wouldn't get to soaked by the rain.You turned into a drive which was your house and both of you darted under the balcony.You laughed as he started to laugh aswell.You then made eye contact with you as you got closer to him.He kissed you gently as his hand cupped your cheeks.You kissed him back softly as you wrapped your arms around his lightly moaned into the kiss as his hands ran gently down your hips.He smirked as the kiss broke."Dont want to catch a cold now do we ?" He smiled as you blushed.You unlocked the door and took him inside."I've got some dry clothes that will hopefully fit you" you smiled."Thank you" he smiled.You gestured with your head for him to follow you.You took him up stairs and he follows you into the spare bedroom.

After you where both dry and warm you both lay in your bedroom as your sister was in the spare bed as she lived away from town.He was kissing you softly as you wrapped your hands around his waist.He then flipped you onto his body while still making out.His hands where on your lower back as you where roped into his kisses.You both kept kissing until you both lost your then gently pulled the covers up and then returned to his chest.a sigh left his chest as played with your hair."you okay ?"you asked."Im absolutely perfect sweetheart" he whispered while kissing your forehead.He gently held you as the rain heavily bounced of the window.He gently held you until you both started to fall asleep.

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