Private Stanley Mellish pt2

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*** time skip
Italics - inner thoughts

Things had escalated quite quickly , Sergeant Horvath had pulled out a gun on Reiben.this is going to shit.Captain Miller was currently de-escalating things when I heard a small whisper in my ear."Are you hurt" Mellish whispered.I shook my head."Are you alright"I muttered.He nodded back.I looked to my hands which where soaked in Wades hands where slightly shaking still.Sergeant Horvath had now lowered his gun as Captain miller spoke.

a high school teacher , makes sense.

I Lay to the ground as a German tank went passed.There was then a rapid fire of bullets that started to hit the tank.who the fuck is shooting."who's doin the shooting , who's doin the doin the shooting" Sergeant Horvath yelled out.I looked over to Mellish who was already looking at me.He looked away quickly as soon as he noticed.The tank then went up in flames as captain miller then got up.We followed him.We went round the tank to see figures across in the field.paratroopers.I felt the older one look me up and down and furrow his brows.what , hasn't he seen a woman before.Turns out they where the 101st and the younger boy was James ryan.

Mellish walked with me as we went towards the bridge.He then grabbed my wrist."L/n" He said."Hm" I replied.He then let go of my wrist.
"What's up with you" Mellish asked.
"I can't tell if that older paratrooper wants me dead or for something else if you catch my drift" I muttered.
What looked like fire spread across mellish's eyes."He's disgusting honestly" Mellish said.I just nodded."you far better than him anyway" I joke to Mellish which deep down I really do mean."Really" Mellish said as a small smile tugged at his lips."Yup , definitely" I lightly laugh.He then nudged me slightly.Butterfly's floated into my stomach as his smile seemed to stay on his lips for longer than a moment.i let the feeling linger for I didn't know when it would be ripped from me.

I went into an empty , destroyed building to check for a good firing point."Y/n"I heard a voice say.i turned around to see Mellish with a small smile on his face."Hi" I smiled to him as he approached me."what's up" I asked as I could tell something.I could tell he was holding something back from me."Mellish are you-" he cut me off with a kiss.His body slammed into mine before he quickly broke it."Oh my - I'm - im so sorry I-" I didn't let him finish his sentence as I kissed him back.He smiled into the kiss before returning it gently.his hands held my waist as I had to stretch up slightly to be able to reach his lips.As the kiss broke I slightly held my breath as he kept his eyes closed for a moment before opening them again.I never noticed how nice they where."I waited to long for that" Mellish said as my stomach did flips."So did i" I smiled a i saw his cheeks light up.i gave him another quick kiss , which soon turned into a deeper kiss as he pushed me against the wall.His hands gripped my waist as if someone was trying to rip me away from him.

I broke the kiss for a breath."This is probably not the right time to say this but I want you to know that , I love you , even if something happens , I always will love you" Mellish said as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb."I love you too , more than you know" I smiled towards him.For a moment I forgot I was in a war.Maybe it would be okay.

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