Private first class Reiban

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I leaned against the kitchen countertop as I sipped on a mug of tea.Today was finally the day.It was the day the Richard came home.I was worried.Worried that he felt different about me after all that time apart.I still love him a lot.I just don't know if he still felt the same about me.His letters to me became shorter with time and worried he slowly lost interest.

Either way I wanted to see him.I sipped on my tea again before looking at the clock.10:26AM. Time seemed to take its time today.I put down my mug next to the sink. I went through to my bedroom to get myself ready.I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment and met my gaze in the mirror.I looked over to the photo on my dresser of me and Richard.It was a photo of me and him when we went to my sisters wedding.My heart ached slightly as I remembered how it felt to have his hands around my waist.I let out a small sigh.

Time seemed to move slowly into the afternoon.I had cleaned almost everything in the house.I went into my room once again to sort my hair before Richard got home.I looked in the mirror once again.A small smile came across in the mirror this time.I then smoothed out my dress that I was wearing.My heart started to beat a bit faster of Richard actually coming home today.It didn't feel real.He was actually coming home today.I then felt butterflies slowly escape into my stomach at the thought. I took another deep breath.

I then heard a knock at the door.My head shot round as I rushed downstairs.I stopped at the door for a moment to take a breath before opening it to reveal Richard standing there.His eyes softened."Y/n" Richard smiled.I smiled as he pulled me closer into a kiss.His arms held into my waist firmly as I fell into the kiss.My hand cupped his cheek as we kissed."I missed you" I whispered , breaking the kiss.

"Not as much as I missed you doll" Richard murdered before kissing my forehead and pulling me into a hug.I could feel tears prick in my eyes.He's finally home.I hugged him tightly as I felt the warmth of his embrace.My body just seemed to Melt into his arms.I gently rubbed his back as his muscles seemed to relax themselves for what seemed to be for the first time in a while.He then gently kissed the back of my neck which made me smile.Once he let me go , he looked at me for a moment as he used his hand to tilt my chin up and wipe my tear away the I hadn't realised had fallen.He gave me a loving look and a small blush came onto his face."What" I asked.

"Your just as beautiful as the day I left" He replied , while taking my hand.My Breath hitched.My heart seemed to stop for a moment.I couldn't help but smile at that."Yea well your not too bad yourself" I lightly laughed.He let out a small but genuine laugh.he then gave me a small , quick kiss before I led him into the house.

As the evening passed , we enjoyed each other's company.I knew Richard wasn't quite the same as when he left.Part of him seemed to be missing or damaged but I can't blame him.I don't know what he has seen while he has been away.I'll give hime time to adjust to being home again.It felt nice to have him back in the house again.It felt less empty and lonely.

When it had finally turned dark outside , everything seemed to be in place.I entered into the living room to see Richard already sat there , looking at me sweetly.I smiled as I sat next to him.His arm went around my waist and pulled me Into his lap.His hands supported my waist.The sweet look in his eye was replaced by something more teasing.He gently rubbed my waist as he leaned in to kiss me.I leaned in to meet him In the middle of kiss him.It was loving and soft. Richards hands rubbed my hips as the kiss deepened."I love you" I said between kisses.
"I love you more" Richard replied.


The next morning I woke up tightly holding Richard in my arms.We had been up a few times as Richard had Been having nightmares.I tried to calm him down each time as best as I could.I gently kissed his forehead as I let him sleep.I don't know how long he had slept like this for since the war.I didn't mind holding him like this.He slowly tossed and turned as he slowly awakened.I kissed his forehead again gently as he looked up at me tiredly.I gently rubbed the back of his neck as he nudged his head into my chest.He let out a tired sigh and enjoyed this moment of peace.I really missed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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