T-4 medic Irwin Wade

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I lay in my bed one late night unable to sleep.I stared up at the roof with my thoughts bouncing around in my head.why am I still here ? What useful things have I done ? What if I loose control of everything and can't cope?I let out a small sigh as I looked over to my boyfriend Irwin who was fast asleep next to me.A small smile came to my face seeing him there.At least I still had him with me.I quietly sat up and went to the edge of my bed while I just sat there for a moment taking a breath.I quietly left our bedroom and slipped into the kitchen while turning the light on.I flicked the kettle on and got a mug with a teabag of my favourite flavour of herbal tea. As the kettle boiled I looked round at the photos hung on the wall , there was one imparticular which I always liked.It was one of me and Irwin at my sisters wedding.It always made me smile.As the kettle finished it's boiling I poured the water into my mug and i sat up on the counter.

I gently stird my tea as I then took a sip.My hands adjusted to the heat from the mug as I tried to get the remaining thoughts out of my mind.Sometimes where worse than others but I tried not to worry Irwin about them since he has been home from war , i try to help him since it helps me focus on something else.I then heard the Kitchen door open and saw Irwin come through slightly dazed."Y/n , what are you doing up ?" he yawned.

"I couldn't sleep , I'm sorry" I whispered.He came over to me and pushed my legs apart to Stand between them."Why didn't you wake me up , are you alright" he asked.That question broke me slightly and I couldn't get my words out.I could only get out a small choked cry before Irwin pulled me into a hug."Im sorry" I cried out.Irwin hugged me tighter
"Don't apologise , just please tell me if your not feeling great" he whispered in my ear.Tears fell down my face as I cried.He then let go and wiped my tears away.He had a soft look on his face.He placed a soft kiss on my forehead."I didn't , want to bother you" I muttered out.
"You never bother me , I love you y/n" he whispered to me before kissing me.I returned it quickly.He gently rubbed my back as he broke the kiss."I love you too" I whispered which brought a smile to his face.I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.His hands then rested on my waist as he pulled me in closer.As the kiss broke , Irwin took my hand and led me back to bed.

"Now , talk to me , what's on your mind"Irwin said as I lay next to him.I took a deep breath before starting to talk.Irwin listened and gave me support which felt nice.He comforted me and reassured me that I would be okay."We're here to support each other , i want you to remember that" Irwin whispered as he pulled me closer to him.I gently nodded as he kissed me once again which I returned.He then gently rubbed my cheek before breaking the kiss.He then pulled me into his chest while we both slept together in peace.

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