T-4 Medic Irwin Wade

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1946 (this is if Irwin had lived in the film)


The rain pattered lightly on the bus stop roof as the bus pulled up to it.You stood up from the bench under the shelter and tried to spot Irwin getting of the bus.You hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks because of his work.You missed him a lot so you where excited.As you looked through the people getting off the bus , you couldn't see Irwin anywhere.you kept looking about to try and spot him.Then you heard it."y/n". you turned around to see Irwin standing their with some flowers for you.you ran towers him as he dropped everything but the flowers and hugged you.You didn't want to let him go."I missed you" you said."I missed you too" he said before you kissed him.You could feel people staring."How about we finish that somewhere more private" he laughed."Sure" you giggled with a smile."Oh I Uh , got these for you" he said while holding the flowers out for with while blushing."Oh Irwin there beautiful"you smiled kissing his cheek.You both walked back to your house hand in hand.As you both entered your house together , wade took you by the waist and kissed you.You kissed him back as he pinned you gently to the wall.

The kiss started to turn rough as he gripped your waist.You wrapped your arms around his lower neck."i missed you so much" you said as he broke the kiss.he smirked into your neck as he started to kiss your jawline."Let's continue this upstairs" he smirked.As he took you upstairs , his eyes never left yours.As he shuts the door , he looks over at you and sees you looking a bit nervous.He gently took your hand and you looked up."I know it's our first time together but , do you want to ?" He asked while gently taking your hand."Yea ,I want to" you smiled.He gently kissed you and he started to undo your dress at the back.as your dress dropped down , he started to undo his shirt.As it got chucked to the side you gently started to undo his belt and then dropped his trousers as he pinned you the bed.He the started to kiss down your neck.As he unclipped your bra he kept his eyes locked to yours.His hands teased your body as they gently ran down them.

His lips caressed your thighs as you felt your underwear being taken off.You felt his lips get closer to your opening as his hands held your thighs open.As he released one of your thighs from his grip , he used two fingers to get you used to the feeling.Your head deepened into the pillow as he started to pleasure you.your back arched as he put them in deeper.A quiet moan escaped your mouth.He smirked as he started to move them faster.Little moans escaped your mouth as you didn't want to seem desperate.

"Someone's needy" he smirked.He then removed his boxers as he leaned over you his his arms next to your waist.Your grip lightened from the sheets as he kissed you.Your hands rested on his back while you both kissed.he then gently started to fuck you.You gripped onto his back as he picked up the pace."Fuck" he muttered.He went in deeper causing you to moan.he kept going in and kept going faster."Good fucking girl" he moaned.His hands gripped your waist as you moaned out again.As he started slamming inside of you , your back was arched again.Irwin let out another moan of pleasure.

You lay in bed in an old jumper Irwin gave to you and shorts.Irwin came back into the bedroom and got under the covers with you.He pulled you closer to him and held you.He kissed you gently on the forehead."you did great darling" he whispered in your ear."thank you" you muttered as you smiled.He smiled as you cuddled into him softly.

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