Private daniel jackson

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You where sat in the bath with red puffy eyes.Your wrists where stinging badly.The blade sitting at the edge of the bath was longly tempting to cut once more.You where hurting so bad on the inside.Your husband , Daniel was away for the weekend thinking you where going to be fine. That's what you reassured him before he left.He knew about your really rough upbringing. He knew your father was a heavy drinker and your mother tried her best to protect you from it and you felt constantly guilty that your father hurt her.

You knew your father hated you.You then heard the door open down stairs.'shit' you thought. He was home earlier than you had thought.You didn't have the energy to move your body."Baby ? Where are you" daniel said as you tried to stop the bleeding at least before he found you.He entered the bathroom to see you with tears forming in your eyes."Oh baby" he said getting a towel and slowly help take you out.tears started poring out once again.His heart broke seeing you like this."I'm sorry" you said crying into his chest."Baby don't apologise" he said trying to calm you down.He dried you off but kept his gaze at your face.He saw the pain in your eyes.He got you in some dry clothes and lay you in bed with him.He held you in his arms tightly you got your breathing back down to normal.Daniel pressed some kisses on your forehead.You slowly took ahold of clay's hand.He saw the cuts on your wrist and his heart broke thinking about it.He couldn't understand why you would want to do that to yourself.He saw how you couldn't even put to much pressure without your wrists hurting.

"Baby , we should maybe clean them a bit more , there's still some blood there" Daniel said.You nodded.He then placed a kiss on your quivering lips."It's going to be okay , your going to be okay" He said moving the hair out of your face."It just hurts so much Daniel, I want it to go away" You said."I know baby , I'll help you get through it" Daniel gently nodded.He held as you closed your eyes to try and sleep of the pain.Daniel didn't want to let you go.he loved you to much for that.You slowly drifted to sleep as Daniel muttered " I love you" once more as you finally slept.

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