PFC Richard Reibn

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Gender neutral


You leaned against the kitchen counter one morning reading a book.Although , you struggled to concentrate on what you were reading.The thoughts of last night sneaking back into your mind.The way his hands gripped your skin , the way he kissed you the way he- No , it's to early for that you thought.You tried to continue to read your book with struggle.You then heard footsteps down the hallway.You tried to act natural as your boyfriend, Richard , entered the kitchen."Good morning" you smiled over at him."Morning"he smiled.

You went back to reading your book for a moment before a shadow was cast down on you."Sorry am I-" was all you were able to say before Richard had cut you off by kissing you while he reached for a mug.You felt him smile slightly into the kiss as you put your book down.your hands went around his waist and you stood up more.

As you tried to break the kiss to catch your breath , Richard brought you back into the kiss as he gently held the back of your head , lightly gripping your hair.His hands then moving down to your waist as he pushed you against the counter as his lips progressed slowly along your jawline to your neck , leaving slightly rougher kisses.He left small kisses behind your ear as he knew it was a soft spot.He left gentle bites and kisses on your next slowly teasing you as he kissed down your collar bone.He could hear the satisfaction in your breathing which bright a smile to his lips.He slowly moved his hands under your top as you lead him back to the bead room with his lips now linked into yours once again.After the bedroom door shut , it didn't take long for things to let's say , unravel ;)

*after .....cough cough....., you know*

You lay next to Richard catching your breath as he did the same.You lay on your back as you looked over to your boyfriend.He places a gentle kiss on your forehead.You then kissed him gently while you cupped his cheeks."Can't keep your hands off me huh"he smirked as you smirked back at him."Aw come on now , you couldn't stop yourself earlier" you smirked back at him as he scoffed then started to laugh.He kissed you once again."come on , we should go clean ourselves up" you said.
Richard followed you through and you noticed when he turned around that you had left some semi deep scratches."Your back ...I'm sorry does it hurt" you asked

Reiben turned around and took your hand."You'd never hurt me , plus shoes I did well"he smirked before he kissed you.


Sorry for the gap in updates , I've been distracted but I will try and update soon !! I hope you enjoy this

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