T-4 medic Irwin wade

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Gender neutral

Your P.O.V

In was sat at party one night but in all honesty it was one of the last places I would have chosen to be at.I tried to leave but kept running into friends who would drag me in to dance. My heart was pounding and my breathing was getting shaky.everything just seemed to be twice as loud , people laughing , music Blairing. I stood up as rushed out the door and went to the nearest bench where I couldn't hear the music anymore.I sat on the bench and tried to calm my breathing but my thoughts was absolutely bouncing everywhere.my hands where slightly trembling and did a little casual stim to try and calm myself down a little bit more.

I then heard a voice come towards me."Y/n". I looked over to see Irwin standing their with a beer and bottle of water."O-oh , hey  , Irwin" I said with my voice slightly trembling."I Uh , i saw you leave and wanted to make sure you where okay" he asked sitting on the other side of the bench.I took a moment before I answered.

"Um , im not sure" I said as looked over at him.He held up the water." I thought you might want one" he smiled softly.i smiled back at him."Thank you , Irwin" I smiled as he gave me the water.He came a bit closer as I took a sip of water.Irwin had always been their for me , i didn't know how to thank him.

Irwin's P.O.V

I watched as y/n rushed out of the party and out of the door.Shit.I hope they are okay.I should probably get some water for them incase. I walked outside and called their name."Y/n". No answer.I looked around and didn't see them.I walked down the street a little.I then saw them sitting on a bench."Y/n" I said again.They looked over at me."Oh , Irwin , hey" they said.

I tried to chat to them a bit but they didn't seem to be up for much talking.They sipped on the water I gave them."Hey how about we go for a walk , to clear our heads" I said.they nodded their head and stood up.I stood up and we walked down the street together."i didn't think you where the party kind of person" I said.they laughed slightly."Im not but my friends thought I could use some normal socialisation" they laughed slightly.

"Well id say you've done well tonight" I smiled over to them.They returned the smile , a lovely one too.Their smile seemed to light up their whole face.I gently took their hand and they gently squeezed my hand.I felt their head gently rest on my shoulder.I felt my heart starting to beat faster in my chest.

"you know , you've got a pretty smile" I say.
"I do?" They asked with a slight blush to their face."Yea , it's cute" I say with a slight smile as I felt my cheeks heat up.we then stopped for minute and we made a gentle eye contact before I got closer to them.i felt their lips on mine as I cupped their cheeks.i felt myself smile into they kiss.

"Come on , i Heard the cinama is doing a late showing tonight" i said breaking the kiss.they smiled."That sounds more up my street" they replied before giving me a quick kiss before taking my hand again.I smiled at the thought of it.

We walked down to the cinema together and it was almost empty except for some teenagers down the front. We sat up the back and enjoyed the film as our hands intertwined with each other's.there head once again laid on my shoulder as the movie progressed.I looked round to look at them , there once dark eyes where lit up by the screen in front.i smiled slightly and returned my gaze to the big screen.

Your P.O.V

I sat and watched the film in front of me while my hand was in Irwins.I felt his gaze upon me but i didn't return it , I'm not sure why.i then felt a warm hand on my thigh.i smiled lightly and continued to watch the film.i then felt gentle kisses along my jaw line.Fuck they were nice.I gently closed my eyes and gave him more access.His kisses went along my jaw and locked  onto my lips which I returned.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as he kissed me deeper.I went to cup his cheeks but as I did the light slowly faded up as the credits came on.We stopped and looked around to see people leaving.I laughed slightly as I took his hand and led him up.i could tell he was smiling.By the time we left , it was dark and it was raining."You ready to run for it" i smile. Irwin looked at me funny."We're Not-" i didn't let him finish as I let us into the rain as we started to run.I laughed as I then heard Irwin start to laugh as well.Irwin then pulled me left down a street."Wait were are we going" i asked.He looked back."you'll see" he said.he took me where we were surrounded by trees then we came to an opening next to the lake.It look dramatically nice when it was raining.

He then pulled me for another kiss.I smiled into the kiss as his hands wrapped around my waist.Everything seemed to stop for a moment when you kissed him.

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