Private stanley mellish

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I crawled into over next to sergeant Horvath whilst hearing the screaming out in pain and agony.i was glad I wasn't hurt but I wanted to go and help.i took a breath as I went to get up but I felt a hand pull me back down to cover."That's not your Job now come on" Sergeant Horvath said.

**time skip**

I sat down lightning a cigarette while the others where taking bets and what ever else the where doing.i could have died if I'd gone to help , was it really a chance I was going to take.What would my mother think.

"Y/n , hello  , you with us" I heard Jackson say."Sorry what" I say taking another drawl of smoke."Where'd you think the captains from" Melish asked.I took a moment to think about that."Well he's not once to grope down but I'd say some where Up east" I said exhailing the smoke."Up east , I mean really come on you can do better than that" Mellish said.

"What come on , you got something better" I said with a smirk on my face.He smirked back and before he could reply , Caption Miller and Sergeant Horvath came over with commands.(I can't remember exactly what they say but moving on).

I walked behind everyone else as we headed on with our new mission.We got this new translator , his name is Upham I think.Seems a bit skittish to be honest.Mellish kept looking back and giving me a soft smile.He was being a bit odd but hey I'm not complaining.I returned the smile a few times when I was able to catch a glimpse of them.

"It's L/n right" I heard Upham said
"maybe " I said with a half smile as took a drawl.he didn't say anything but he still was next to me."Yea , that's me" I said exhaling with a slight sigh.he kind of stepped back a little.

Mellish walked over to a little bit  so we were close enough to have a conversation, he stood behind me with a little distance."You got a lighter" he asked quietly.i passed him my lights and as he took it his hand lightly brushed against mine."Thanks " he said.
"anytime" I said.

When we arrived at a town , rain was beating down on us as we tried to stay low and keep cover."Thunder" captain miller.
"Flash someone replied.
We took cover next to some other soliders and waited for instruction.I looked over at melish yet he was already looking at me.We made eye contact for a brief moment and gave me a small smile before looking away again.

We quickly made our way through the town but their was a family in the ruins of a house.Caparzo decided to try and help them."Caparzo come on , leave them be" i yelled out as the others protested.A gunshot then rung out as the girl was put down into the rubble."Get down , come on"Mellish said pulling me to cover.Caparzo fell onto the ground get he kept trying to move.i tried to go and help him but Mellish grabbed my waist."No , Y/n don't" he said squeezing my hand.

"We can't leave him" I say trying to get up and out of his grip."I know but I can't loose you too" Mellish said as I looked round at him.People where yelling in a mix of English and French.Another bullet rang out in the heaviness if the rain."Got em" Jackson yelled out.

Caparzo had bled out by this point but had a letter , for his parents.I felt my heart ache slightly for him.Wade covered his body in a sheet.

**in the church**

I sat down slightly away from the others.It felt like my head was spinning in a hundred different directions."Hey , L/n" I heard Mellish say as he quietly came next to me."Oh hey , you alright" he asked.
"I think so , how about you" I asked with a smile as I took out another cigarette."Doing great you know" he said but I knew he was being sarcastic.

You've been quiet , what's on your mind" he asked."I guessed what's not on my mind" I whispered.I lit my cigarette and took a long drawl.I then felt his hand on my Thigh."You'll be okay though right" he asked.i mean I've not been injured , yet."I should be , thanks" I smiled.He the took my cigarette and took a drawl as I leaned back against the wall behind us.

He leaned back and just looked at me.i then felt his hand on mine and he gave it a gentle squeeze.I gave him a soft smile.His head then rested against my shoulder as our hands stayed locked together.i then closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep."Night" he whispered.
"night" I whispered back slightly squeezing his hand.

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