Private mellish

162 4 2

Gender neutral


Italics- your inner thought

3rd person P.O.V ?

You where sat on the couch one night while reading a book , your boyfriend , Stanley , has been acting off all day and you thought you'd done something wrong.He'd been hardly talking to you and when he did say something he would say"just leave me alone" so you did.

It hurt you a bit knowing he wasn't telling you something.You checked the clock , it read 8:30PM.sigh , how long will this go on for. You continued to read on as you heard footsteps wonder across your bedroom and the bathroom from time to time.You just continued to stay down stairs as he stayed upstairs.You could tell by his footsteps something wasn't right.He just wouldn't tell you what it was.does he not trust me anymore?.

As you sat on the couch the fire crackled down but you still found it you wrapped up in a blanket to try and stay warm.You looked at the clock again.9:45PM.more time had passed than you had thought.You lay on the couch and slowly fell asleep as the fire slowly went out and down to embers.

Stanley's P.O.V

I don't know what I'm feeling but I don't like it and every time I go to speak a mixture of anger and sadness come up into my throught and I don't want to take it out on Y/n , I don't want to shut her out I ...... I just don't know how to process this and I don't want them in the crossfire of it all , it's not their fault I feel like this.*sigh*. Maybe sleeping will help ? Maybe it will go away if I rest.

*a few hours later*

Ugh what time is it. 1o:30pm??! Damn it , ugh anyways, wait , where's y/n.i sat up and looked around our room.They weren't here.I got up and started down the stairs , the living room lights were on still on.I opened the door wider to see y/n asleep on the couch wrapped in a blanket."Oh , love" I whisper.

I go over towards the couch and gently kiss there forehead."Im sorry darling" i whisper before I gently picked them up and carried them back to bed.They where still asleep as I placed them in the bed and wrapped them in the covers."Im so , so sorry love" I say quietly before kissing them on the cheek.

I went to lay down next to them again but before I did I felt a pair of arms around my waist as I sat on the edge of the bed."Im sorry" I whispered."it's okay" they said placing a kiss on my cheek.They took my hands and pulled me into the bed."if you want to talk I'm here , I'm not going anywhere" they whispered as they cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly.

I cupped their cheeks and returned the kiss.I fell back onto the bed and the kiss continued as they Straddled my waist.Their thumb gently rubbed my cheek as I sat up again.They went to pull away but I pulled them back in.I gently rubbed their back as they dominated the kiss.i then pinned them down to the bed and gripped their waist.their hands lightly gripped my t-shirt as i rubbed their skin from under their top.

After we had broke the kiss and caught our breath , we both lay I bed while they held me under the covers.I rubbed little circles on their back to try and help them back to sleep."I love you" they said.A smile cane across my face as they said that."I love you too" I said back to them as I kissed their neck.Maybe I can work out my emotions with them.As they said , they weren't going anywhere.

Hey folks !!
I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try and update more since I've got a slightly bigger gap between my next exams so on than note I will take some requests if anyone would like to request a certain character from the film with a certain imagine !

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