Private First class Richard Reiban

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Italics is readers thoughts

As we walked thrift in formation in the field on this mission, I just wanted it to be all over.Reiban was ahead of me , he threw back a glare every once in a while.He always made it clear he didn't like me.and I don't like him.It was simple but we still threw around remarks about each other.
As we continued on , reiben was complaining about the mission.He was very vocal about everything which I guess I under stand but captain miller seemed to be getting agitated.

As I hid behind a broken wall to avoid the sniper , I felt a pain grow across my shoulder.I'd hit it of a sharp peice of rubble that was on the ground.shit , well could be worse , right.caparzo lay on the ground as the rain bounced of the broken town."Caparzo , stay down" Wade yelled over unable to go to him which I saw he didn't like.Caparzo was holding out a letter trying to say some something but I couldn't hear.

Jackson then took a shot towards the bell tower where the sniper was and got him."Got him" Jackson said after a minute of No firing rounds.I stood up and my shoulder ached again.fucking hell , can't be that bad right."L/n" someone said behind me.
I turned round to see reiben looking concerned as he came closer to me."What" I said.
"Your bleeding , are you alright" he splattered out."it's fine , it's just my shoulder, I'll manage" I say.I sling my gun over my shoulder and wince slightly.why did he care all of a sudden.

I continued on through the rain following Captain Miller , I heard quick footsteps slowdown next to me.i looked over to see Reiben standing next to me.I shot him a quick smile and he returned that briefly.My heart slightly fluttered as he did.wait No , No not now , I can't I thought to myself.i couldn't start to fall for him could i.I brushed that off for the time being and continued on.

I was sitting down in the church as reiben continued to be next to me.whats he up to. I took out a cigarette and offered him one , to which he took one.everyone else was pretty much asleep so it was just me and him."How's your shoulder" Reiben whispered.I looked over to him."It's fine thanks" I whisper as I take a drawl.I got an amused hum in return.As silence soon took over , my thoughts quickly consumed me.what if I don't make it home , what if I get killed and No one finds me , what will my mum think of me , what if..... No , No I can't be doing that now , not now."Y/n" reiben whispered to me."Yea" I muttered to him as I met his eyes."Do you think we'll make it out" He whispered.I let myself think for a moment before answering."Yea , I think we will" I whispered with a small smile.He gave a small nod in agreement before locking eyes with me.i hoped i was right.His eyes seemed to soften when I looked into them.He gently rubbed my hand."Well be okay" I whispered as I gripped his hand.maybe I liked him more than I thought I did.

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