chapter fourteen

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"We have arrived" Milo said staring at the huge gate.

The principle's house filled me in awe. I wasn't expecting his house to this lovely.
when he is monitors the campus he doesn't look like he can afford this kind of place. I'm not saying his poor but he looks poor. he is those type of Men that don't show off his riches I guess.

"How will we get in?" Jasmine asked Milo.

"We are going to climb the fence" he tells her.

Luckily the fence didn't have electric wires so it was pretty easy for anyone to climb over.

Jasmine went first and arrived at the top. She stretched out her arm to help Milo up.
As soon as he reached the other side of the fence ,Jasmine helped me up.
I got to the other side of the fence and waited for jasmine to come down.
She didn't come down she kept on babbling.
I stretched out both of my arms and told Jasmine to jump luckily she did it and I caught her.

Jasmine and I started walking towards Milo as Milo tries to break the lock for the back door.
His hammer he carried earlier did the job.

"Finally!" Milo said opening the door wide open as if he owns the place.
I went upstairs and found three doors. Chris told me I should go in the middle door and in that very door that's where his phone is.

"Fuck!" I shouted trying to open the door

Milo rushed upstairs and saw me struggling.
" Move over,let me show how men do it" Milo said. Thus, he kicked the door open and started looking for Chris's phone.

"Guys I think I've heard someone outside" Jasmine whispered

"Whose there!!" The unknown figure shouted on the top of his voice. It was coming from the front door

Wait it's the principal I started panicking
Shit, shit, shit I'm going to be in big trouble right now. why did I decide to tag along?
I began to sweat alot.

"I've got it" Milo says staring at Chris phone.
Afterwards I started bolting downstairs as Milo followed me from behind.

Jasmine saw us running and started running as well.

we were out of the Mansion.
I saw a glimpse of light and I knew it was a flash light, I started running faster than before but Milo was still ahead of me while Jasmine is on my tail.

All of a sudden Jasmine hits a stone and falls down

"Tyler!" Jasmine shouted in pain as blood was flowing out of her toes," I can't continue running it hurts more and more each second"

I stopped running and went back for Jasmine but as for Milo he was at the other side already.

I put Jasmine on back and tried my best to run as fast as I could.

I looked back and caught a glimpse of a furious principal,
luckily we were wearing balaclava masks and it was dark for him to locate our faces.

Jasmine and I arrived at the fence. I put Jasmine down and climbed.

"Hurry up Luna!" I shouted.
As the principal gets closer each second

"Tyler I can't climb on my own" Jasmine said.

Tears started streaming down my face. Shit I don't want Jasmine to change colleges or worse go to jail.

I stretched out my arm and pulled Jasmine up.
But the worst thing happened. Immediately I jumped down I sprained my ankle.
I was in pain as the principal kept on shouting: thieves, swine. and flashing the light at jasmine.

"Jump!" I shouted. But Jasmine jumped in time before the principal could summon the cops or worse climb as well.
But sadly she fell on my chest hence I failed to catch her.

You are probably wondering why Jasmine called me Tyler instead of Jason.

Chris introduced that we should have different names before we leave.
He said that,"even though the principal hears your names he won't know that it is actually you guys",
"And he can't search the whole school he doesn't have time for that his a busy man as he claims."

Jasmine chose for herself that she'll call me Tyler and I will call her lunar. While Milo named himself jack.

Jasmine stood up right and looked down at me.
She stretches her arm for me to get upright.
I get up and put Jasmine on my back hence she claimed that she couldn't manage walking towards Milo's car.
I arrived at the car and opened the door.
Jasmine immediately rushed in and sat comfortably.
As soon as I shut the door,Milo's phone starts vibrating.
Immediately he answered the phone I gasped when I heard Chris voice he sounded calm for some reason. He asked Milo if he has acquired the item.
But Milo lied and said that," I didn't find it"

"Are you trying to baffle me!?" Chris yelled as anger laced through his voice.

"I'm just joking. Your phone is laying in my palms as we speak, don't be a anus"Milo chortled in joy


I open the door and walked in.
I see Chris walking back and forth. He looked at the door and saw Milo.
His eyes widened and a smile bloomed on his face.
He rushed towards Milo, lifted him up and started jumping in excitement.
I take a seat on their bed. unfortunately Nicole wasn't in the room I guess this isn't her dorm but I have a hunch I'll know it soon.
I dropped off Jasmine earlier and she headed straight to our dorm to take a nap.
My ankle was all better all of a sudden. I could still feel the pain but I could walk properly now.

Chris P.O.V



My phone started buzzing.
I grabbed it from Milo's palms and checked the call ID

call from: Anabelle Rodgers

Immediately I saw her name I answered it right away.
"Hello" I said running my hand through my hair

"Can you come to my office right now?" Belle said.

I looked at Milo and Jason as they looked at me in confusion.
I thought of a plan, I decided to tell them I'm heading to the cafeteria to order a cup of coffee.
I coaxed them and they believed me and stayed in the room.

I shut the door on my way out and headed to Belles' office.

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