Chapter thirty three

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"It's okay," Jason says while smiling,"Which park do you want to go to ?" He asks.

"The one across campus," I say


We are at the park watching these cute children play football.I can't wait to have a child ! Will I have one with Jason ?Will he give me a child? Because I'm willing to take care of him/her.


What is Nicole thinking about now? I thought she wanted to go to the park but she's quiet.I glance at her and notice that she's watching the kids play soccer. Now what's so special about that? It's just children playing soccer.
"Hey,what are you thinking?" I say,waving my hand across her face to get her attention.

"I'm thinking of us having children," she says with a smile

My heart skips a beat

Us having children?

Me having a child??! Woah,At this point I'm not ready for one! I swear. I don't even like children. But I'd love to have one with jasmine though.Ah! Why can't i stop thinking about her

She's out of sight but always on my mind.

I need to learn to let things go. It's going to be good if I do but it's going to be hard too. "How many kids do you want?" I ask. But regret it

"Four!!" She squeals,"two girls,two boys!"

Hm,four! That's quite a lot and I'm not even a fan of children!
They are quite annoying sometimes mostly when they start crying! Damn.

"Don't you think four is a lot ?" I ask

"Yes!but I really love children!"She says
Well,it looks like she'll love to take care of them. I wonder why she loves children so much.
"Why do you love children so much?" I ask while walking towards a pond in the park."Let's sit there and have a picnic!"I say spreading the cloth on the grass as Nicole gets the picnic basket.
"I think children are lovely,they make me feel joyful and give me happiness,"she says as her lips curl up into a smirk. "Well,they give me hell! But if you like them so much it's cool," i say.

"I guess "she replies.

"This is nice!" She says while eating a sandwich,"I want this to last."
Do I want this to last myself!?!Am I waiting for something that's not waiting for me too? Truth be told,I still love jasmine. But I have unquestionable   feelings for Nicole. "Me too." I finally build up the courage to say it. "The first day we met what was your first impression of me?" I ask while my head lays on her thigh."I thought you were cute! and I wanted to know you better. Then abruptly I started liking you!"She says while playing with my curls.

Quite a weird encounter if you ask me. I smile and slowly close my eyes."You're pretty!" I mutter. "So you'd say it was infatuation? Love at first sight?"

"I wouldn't put it in that way"she replies,"I'd say it was like I had a crush on you."

"Was I ever the first guy you did this to? "You can find she does this to every guy she finds attractive
"Yes"she utters,"I'm very anti-social!"

Should I believe her? I feel like she's  lying! Tsk !
"Hey Jason and Nicole!"

"Hey jasmine !" Nicole says and my eyes widen

"Hello " I say,while staring at her

"People do move on quite quickly,don't they ? Anyways I'm not surprised we leave in a generation of not being in love not being together. But we sure make it feel like we together,because we are scared to see each other with somebody else,"she says while her eyes become glossy as if she wants to cry.
"That's a song by drake,lol!" Nicole says

"Jas-" she cuts me off.
"don't even say my name!" After that she leaves.

Why is she like putting the blame on me?
It's like she's blaming me about the break up when she knows herself it's her who ended shit. "That was weird ," Nicole says as I stare at jasmine walk away.

Why did it have to end like this? Personally I didn't want it to end.

Looks like all the promises she made to me were all lies!
"I promise I won't leave you!"

"I hope we end the year together as a couple "

"I promise it's forever!trust me,I'm not going anywhere "Empty promises,tsk!

Who knew forever could end!

I should be fighting for our love but she's so stubborn

"Jason!" Nicole shouts

"Hm?" I furrow my eye brows

She grabs my chin gently and presses her lips against mine And abruptly my eyes close and our lips start moving in sync.Nicole breaks out of the kiss,"hey,I know it hurts but I'm here for you because I love you!"

"I love you too!" I say with a smile more feeling for her are building up right now. Damn.

" What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Nicole asks.

"You go first"
She looks in the sky trying to think of one wild one!


"Let me say it as a story"

"So,one beautiful morning as I was at school I had a friend in senior secondary...her name was 'Anna.'
She was pretty and had wonderful flaws! She was a popular kid in school with the hottest boyfriend ever."

"Then abruptly one  morning her and her boyfriend had an argument about something useless that I have forgotten,we used to like knock off around 2pm but I used to go home around 6pm since I had clubs and staff to do. So,later that day it was time for me to go home and it was getting dark and it was quite chilly! As I was walking down the street, I saw Anna's boyfriend leaning against his car!  as I was passing by his car,he came towards me and stopped in front of me. I looked and him and he looked at me as well."

"We were making intensive eye contact"

"Then abruptly he hugs me and grabs ass and places kisses on my neck,then he grabs my wrists and pins me against his car and kisses me aggressively but not too aggressive!"

"I've been eyeing you for a while,Nicole" he whispers in my ear! While touching my boobs!

I push him away because it was wrong because he was dating my friend Anna and I didn't feel the same way for him.

"Then he grabs my waist  and starts touching places that could trigger me!
He carried me ,bridle style and put me in his car, in the back seat!
He sits nexts to me and starts kissing me,my eyes shut and we now start moving our lips in sync "

He strips off his shirt,it was dark but I could see his abs clearly due to the dim lights flashing through his window.

He gave  me hickeys all over my neck and then he removed his trousers and I knew where that was going,"Um,no! We can't!" I say

"Why not?" He furrows his cute brows

"You're dating Anna, do that to her not me!" I say then leave the car.

"The End!" I tell Jason.

He looks so confused and surprised at the same time "You were also in senior secondary?" He asks with a blank face.

"Nah,junior" I utter

It's like he doesn't care or something
Maybe he is touched or something i don't know. "Well,that guy was an asshole for doing that to you!" He says,placing a kiss on my cheek,"but hence ! You wanted to continue kissing him! It was pretty obvious "

"Noo! Like he just ..." I don't know what to say because he is right.

"Ahem,"he says and then keeps quiet afterwards

"Babe,it was in the past!" I tell him

"Yea,I know. I'm not upset" he says while staring at me but he looks so upset!

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