Chapter 35:Damn.

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2weeks in the past:the next morning after the break up

"Who is Andrew?!"

"Answer me!!!"
After that ,I woke up and realised it was just a dream. But didn't this happen? I glance over to the other side of the bed and realise Jason isn't there. It did happen,I sigh. I turned to my side to stare at the digital clock in black,the time read 06:30 am. I have tests today after all. English that I didn't even study for due to this current Jason situation. The tests will start at 7:40 am maybe I should prepare then head out.

I sit upright and turn on the lamp,I later on stand up and perform my daily routine stretches just to feel fit and for easy movement. I walk into the bath room,take off my clothes and turn on the hot water knob,the water hits up and I step into the tub and sit down. I get my body wash and rub it all over my body. I miss the way Jason used to do it,it felt more comforting for some reason. I wash away the lather and then I step out of the bathroom and get dressed.

At school.

I approach my locker,well Jason's and I locker but immediately I opened it,I didn't find his belongings in here. He probably removed them. This is quite serious...we attend the same classes either way so I'll see him soon.

"Miss white," a lady calls out my name. I stare at her and I realise that it's the headmaster. What does she want with me though?
"Yes?"i furrow my brows:confused and waiting for her to respond.
"Come to my office,"she says,walking away. I follow her from behind until she stops in front of a classy door. She walks right in and takes a seat across the table." Sit down,miss white "she says fastening the buttons of her shirt due to the heat."I called you hear to talk about your grades."
This must be serious,I pull out a chair closet to me and take a seat,"what about them ,ma'am?"I ask curious to know.

"These past few days  you haven't been performing well. So,I decided to change some classes for you that seem hard for you."she says with a beautiful smile.
Wait? Which classes did she change?
"Which classes did you change?" I ask.
"English and math. I haven't stopped you from learning these subjects. I've just decided to make you change classes maybe a different lecturer will help you bring your grades up."

I knew it,the classes I didn't want to change because Jason is in them. Looks like we won't be seeing each other for a while huh? But anyways there is no need to tell him about this. "Thank you,ma'am. I really appreciate it!" With that I left the room.
I glance at the school clock and it reads 8:30 there is no need to even go write the test now,I'm not going to be in that class either way and they won't even let me in even if I tried.
What should I do now? I thought while walking in the hallway  and dodging people until I accidentally bump into one individual.
"Hey jasmine,"he says. I stare at him only to see that it's Andrew.

"Hey Andrew!" I said with a huge smile on my face,I think I have feelings for Andrew. He makes me feel nice.

"You look sad,what's up?"he ask me with a big grin on his face.
"They've changed my classes due to my grades being bad." I said,"Andrew,I've been willing to ask you this for a while. Can you be my boyfriend?"

He looked at the ceiling and back to me,"sorry about the grades situation and sorry I can't be your boyfriend. I have a girlfriend after all. What happened to Jason huh?"
He has a girlfriend? That's painful
"Don't worry about Jason,him and I are over. And I thought you liked me" I question myself,were the signs wrong ?

"No,I didn't. I was just being kind. I recommend that you get back together with Jason hence he loves you and stop thinking like an idiot. You can't break up with someone who genuinely loves you just because you caught feeling for another gent. Stay with him and don't lose interest in him. No one will treat you like the way he did. Tsk you females for nowadays seem to amaze me,I hope my girlfriend isn't like you. See ya!"with that he waved;goodbye.
Ouch!! That stung!

I think I'm truly thinking like an idiot after all.

So I've failed my tests.
Lost a wonderful boyfriend.
Got rejected painfully by my crush.
Can this day get any worse?

I thought as I was walking towards the lockers. I open it and place my books inside.
Should I attend classes today? No. I've had enough for today let me go back to my cabin and listen to music or just sleep. I head out of campus and approach my car. I open the door and start it but unfortunately it fails to start!
Today isn't my day. What a shitty Friday. My car finally starts and I leave this crappy place.

I finally arrive at my cabin and dive into my bed. I think I'll just sleep again and when I wake up at night,I'll force myself to sleep again.

*2weeks later:the present.*

Since the day I left Jason's dorm I've been staying alone in my parents cabin. I won't lie it's kind of boring! Because you don't have anyone to talk to nor annoy. Woah! I can't believe today is the face mask party !Time has gone by,damn! Just like this week Saturday we are closing and we will obviously have a end of year party! Will I go? Why not ?!
I walk in the dressing room and fetch my outfit for today ;a stunning black dress that will hug my curves perfectly!

Is Jason coming to the party ?

I don't think so,maybe he'll be with that  stupid girl we call "Nicole" I hate that bitch! I wish things can go  back to the way they were,i truly  regret my decision! I honestly don't know what I was thinking,I truly did fumble! Now he is in someone else's warm embrace.

I miss him.

I miss us!

I am so stupid,why am I saying this?  When he is the one who cheated on me? Was it willingly?! It still counts as cheating either way!! I shouldn't sugarcoat it at all! Why did he even cheat!?! I didn't even get a valid reason out of him,I just stormed out of the room as tears were streaming down my cheeks!

The funny thing is that the way I keep on thinking about him continuously does he do the same?
Or maybe I am just delusional. I can tell he hasn't moved on and he still loves me. However, sometimes it feels like he hates me lately but deep down I know he still loves  me because feelings can't easily fade away just because two weeks have past by. No! You must be a player or maybe you didn't love the person in the first place! But Nicole?! Does he actually like her? I don't know about that. Maybe he is using her to try to forget about me. LOL that's obviously the reason they are dating.

I wear the dress and look in the mirror to see if it fits perfectly! Just as I imagined I'd look lovely in this dress. Wow ! This is so cute! i can even kiss myself right now!What mask should I wear? I can't start wearing a mask that will cover my whole head! That won't suit the dress I've picked out.

Yes! This one is perfect !

A beautiful golden mask that only covers my eyes and nose! With beautiful feathers at the edges of the mask!pretty.
I head out of the cabin and drive to the party.

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