Chapter 38

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I see jasmine sitting across the room alone. Was she waiting for me? Or she is waiting for someone else?
She glanced at me and stood up,her eyes lit up.

Why is she so excited for some reason?

"Hey?" I ask: confused

"I'm glad to see you again,I thought you wouldn't come back"she says gazing at my knees failing to make eye contact with me.

"Now why wouldn't I? " I ask gently lifting up her chin so that we can lock eyes. I missed gazing into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I thought you hate me," she says with a frown on her face staring elsewhere.
"Keep your eyes on mine," she smiles and then keeps her eyes on mine.

"W-Well,I wouldn't say hate. I'd say dislike." I smile pulling her closer to me,"what you told me hurt me for your own information."

"I didn't mean to,I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I truly made a mistake to leave you. I know I fumbled and I regret my decision, I'm stupid"

"Woah,why are you even saying that? You're not stupid. You're smart but sometimes slow" I whisper in her ear

"Let's take a sit Jason" we take our seats and it goes silent. This is what I was talking about. The bond will change between us

The thing about getting back together the second time is that you don't fall in love with person,you just miss the memories you shared with that person.

"This awkward silence will kill me," she says looking at my eyes as if there is something wrong with them.
But it looks like she's trying to make eye contact in a complicated way
Well,she's not lying. The silence is quite annoying

Heat rose from Jasmine's stomach to her chest. My lips were getting closer and her heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of her hypnotic beyond reason. She parts her lips and feels me washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of me nearly silenced all thoughts.

Her whole body tingles, the feel of my frame leaning on hers as my arms wrap around her feeling nearly forbidden. I pull her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. By the time Jasmine became aware of her fingers, they had already slipped under my shirt, my skin smooth and radiating heat.

As if time had stopped right there, as we stand propped against the seat, glued to one another. As if no one else existed. At times like this, I wish jasmine was mine forever.

"Hey,we are in public. We'll continue later ok?" She says with a big grin on her face

"are we back together?"she asks confused
I thought I answered her question though. Why is she asking again?
"Yes, we are," I say. I truly missed jasmine I hope I won't regret my decision

She smiles and kisses me,"don't worry about the energy we had, I'll try to bring it back even though it might be difficult okay?"
I nod my head in response. Right now I want to sleep,I feel drained. I want to go back to my dorm.

I lay my head on Jasmine's thighs and shut my eyes.
"Jason,you can go sleep in the dorm you know? It's not like they are forcing you to be at this party in the first place. So,we can go sleep!"

Oh yea,to think of it. Why am I still here? I don't even like parties after all.
I stand up and stretch out my hand for jasmine to grab it! she does and we walk out of the room.
Abruptly my phone starts ringing

Caller Identification:milo.

I answer the phone and milo starts talking to me but his tone sounds different as if he is upset with me or something

"Did you break up with Nicole?" He asks furiously as if he could punch me through the phone, if he Could
I take a step back and let go of jasmines hand
"Um,yea?" I say curious to know what's going on

He says:bro you've hurt her! She called me and told me everything. she was crying as she was telling me about the news,Jason you truly broke her because she truly loved you. But you're a dumbass for going back to your ex and for not seeing that she loved you! However,we can't hang out anymore because of this. I won't forget the times we shared together though. Stay safe asshole,much love.

Later on he cut,he didn't even let me speak. Ouch how cruel. So,two people are now out of my life.

My phone lights up:a message from Chris

Yo,I heard about the news at the party. Quite immense if you ask me but unfortunately we can't hang out anymore this typical girl drama. You're chilled and all but Nicole is like a sister to me and her feelings mean a lot. See ya!

As I was trying to reply i just noticed that I have been blocked. So,4 people are out of my life including Grace. Sigh

A lot of people have left me because of jasmine I just hope I won't regret any of this in the end
"What's wrong?" Jasmine asks grabbing my hand and forcing my hands to intertwine with hers.

"The group said they can't be friends with us anymore," I say
"Fuck them! We were fine when we didn't meet them,we'll be fine again. They aren't that special " she says walking towards the exits of the place as her pace increases slightly,"let's just go back to the dorm and forget about all this! We had a long day today, we can also stress tomorrow. There is time for everything after all!"

"And what about my new roommate?" I furrow my brows
"Don't worry!" She smiles

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