Chapter 41

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"No! That's not even a nice name. Maybe jaxon! Sounds much better than a junior," she kisses my cheek.

"We are not even sure if it's going to be a girl or a boy yet!" I say kissing her tummy.

"You have to wait for 14 weeks for you to know if it's a boy or a girl,"the doctor says giving Jasmine medicines.

"Will you manage to walk?" I ask jasmine.

"Yea!"She smiles," what time is it?"I glance at my wrist and it reads 5pm. Time truly has gone by

"It's 5pm and the sun is about to set,we need to go,"I say while guiding jasmine to the exit.

At our dorm:

I walk into the bath room,strip down my clothes and step in. I turn on the hot water knob and wait for the water to heat up. As soon as the water was hot,I started bathing.

"Jason!!"i hear jasmine yell out my name,I finish bathing and rush out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"I feel tired so I'm going to bed,"she says. She literally called me out of the bathroom just to say that.

"It's part of the symptoms of the pregnancy,but goodnight,love." I say with a smile while walking into the dressing room.

"I love you!" She utters

"I love you too jasmine," I say, While wearing an oversized t-shirt and debating if I should wear a sweat pant to bed or just a boxer. I decide to only wear an oversized t-shirt and a boxer due to the heat. 
I turn off the light and dive right into bed


"You're not wearing your grey sweat pants jason!" Jasmine yells. She woke up in a bad mood today,maybe she has mood swings right now

"I'll still wear them either way," I say with a smile

"Who are you trying to look good for?" She furrows her brow. What is that supposed to mean? They are just grey sweats nothing wrong with them.

"Who else but you!" I take a seat at the edge of the bed and fetch my shoes under the bed.

"How sweet," she rolls her eyes,"Jason,I think we need to change dorms."

Why is she thinking about changing dorms all of a sudden ? That's odd .
"You're probably wondering why I want you and I to change dorms,it's not what you think. I still love you it's just that we need space not a breakup or anything. I need to study since my grades have gone down and we need space to grow to make our relationship even stronger. We will still be dating for your own information!" Jasmine says as she combs her hair

"So,I'm the problem,"I ask.

"That's not what I said nor mean you dumbass!" She giggles.

"Oh I understand. But don't do anything stupid, jasmine!" I said making myself very clear

"I won't,Jason. I promise," she says. Here we go again with empty promises. I fail to believe that now,it's like she has given me trust issues or something.

"Yeah right you promise," I say rolling my eyes. I stand up and later on leave the room. But before I left I told Jasmine ,"see you later,jasmine."

I walk into class and take a seat. As soon as I took my seat,someone hits me with a pen. I glance in the direction where I think it came from and then i  see  Non other than Nicole! Smiling.

"Oops," she says,"I'm sorry Jason," she mimics my voice. I think she was trying to sound exactly like me when I was apologising to her at the party. I ignore her and wait for my teacher to come. I even forgot that Nicole attends this class. Quite a pain in the ass learning with your ex in the same environment.

"Good morning class!" My accounts teacher, Miss Rosemary says. She's quite old and lanky but very sweet and friendly. I wonder how she used to look like in her prime. Maybe she looked way better than today. But the most beautiful things grow old and start rotting

"Jason!" Nicole calls out my name.

"Hm?"I ask her curious to know what she wants.

"You really hurt my feelings that day,fuck you,"she whispers.

"Stop acting like a petty bitch,I said sorry.if you want to talk things out, you know where to find me." I glare at her. She looks away and faces the chalkboard

"I want us to settle this. I don't want us to be in bad terms,"she says with a smile. I nod my head in response

"Can you people keep quiet!?!" Ms rosemary says,"you are acting like high schoolers and useless teenagers!" She sounds quite pissed. The class keeps quiet and pays attention to her.

Her period ends and everyone leaves the room. I gather my staff and pack them in my school bag and head to the locker Jasmine and I share. I arrive at the locker and see jasmine sitting on the floor next to it.
I sit next to her and look at her,she looks at me with a smile and later on looks away. "What's wrong?" I ask gently pulling her chin so that we could make eye contact.

"My day so far is a mess," she frowns.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"I forgot that I have a test today and I forgot to study. Yesterday I couldn't study because I went to the hospital and found out that I'm pregnant. Therefore,the test papers came in and I completely didn't know what to write hence I failed the test." She says,I hug her tightly and kiss her forehead

"Everything will be okay,it was just a weekly test. So,it doesn't matter really. But I'm not saying you should keep on failing weekly tests. I'm saying you should pass them. We all learn from our mistakes." I say

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