Chapter 36

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Well,it's quite loud in here. I wonder why they play loud music as if the songs they play are even nice. The Dj changes the song and it turns out to be one of my favourite songs. I head towards the dance floor and start dancing. As I am dancing,an idiot bumps into me. I glare at him and he was wearing a black suit;a familiar suit. I brushed off the thought and continued staring at him

"S-sorry" he said,that voice sounds familiar and he sounds drunk. Is it Jason? But Jason doesn't drink alcohol. And this gent has a horrid smell of alcohol.

"Jason," I find myself calling out his name,he stares at me as if he is thinking of something. So it is Jason! I even know this suit. He removes his balaclava mask and then immediately kisses jas. Not what I expected,I expected something else is this the liquor doing it's job?

"I've made a lot of mistakes lately and I know that but at least don't leave,you're all I have left!"

That's very sweet.

"I miss you,Jason I won't even lie! I miss us! I want us to get back together today!" He looks shocked to hear these words.


"Jasmine!!!" I say In shock. Why is she even here?
"Yes,one and only"she says with a big smile.
The room goes silent,like it's only jasmine and I in the room. It feels like I am deaf and she's the cause of it. It's like a part from a zee world movie when everything around them becomes silent and starts moving in slow motion.
How magical,lol.

"I missed you!" I say while hugging her,"i- love you jasmine,today,tomorrow and forever "

"I love you too jason ! Let's get back together because we both know we can't stay without each other!" She says,but why does she want to get back together with me all of a sudden. She clearly didn't want me these past few days. Maybe that Andrew guy rejected her,lol.
She can't be using me as a second option,that's being stupid.

"Why do you want to get back together all of a sudden ?" I ask out of curiosity.
"I don't know what I was thinking ,I truly regret it. I know I fumbled and I wish things would go back together. I was going through a lot at the time so...I think that's why I ended it"

That's all bullshit! She didn't tell me anything about the shirt she's going through. She always tells me when something is wrong or when she's feeling low. So,I can tell she's lying to me. But why? Ah.
Should I even get back together with her? What if I get hurt again? But everyone deserves a second chance.

How about Nicole? She makes me feel comfortable. And the bond jasmine and I had together isn't the same anymore. It will be a waste of time trying to bring back that bond. Because it will look like I am the one forcing shit

"Are you lying to me?" I glare at her,she just looks at me with a blank face as if she's telling the truth.
"No,I'm not. I promise this time it will be different "she says.

"Ugh,more empty promises. You promised me a lot in our previous relationship why should I trust you now?"just one lie after another.

"Jason,I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I still have the promise ring you gave me on my birthday. I cherished it,you might not believe me but I'm being serious," she shows me her fingers and I notice that the promise ring that I gave her is still with her. That's nice.

"Cool." I say in a bored tone. I'm pretty much tired of this. I still love jasmine but getting back together with her? Committing to her again? Will it be worth it? It will just fumble again and this time I feel like if it ends I won't even care anymore.
"That's all?"she furrows her brow.

"I still love you ja-jasmine but personally I d-don't want to get hurt again. It hurt and it still does. You might be lying to me right now as we speak." I say,breaking out of the hug,"the day you broke up with me,you were acting rude for some reason"

"So you're trying to say that I'm rude? The only person I was trying to be kind to now thinks I'm rude "she says in a stern voice. Is she dull or something? I didn't say that she's rude. Here we go again,her blaming me for staff I didn't do nor say.
"S-stop putting force information in your head!" I roll my eyes:irritated

"Since when did you start drinking beer?!" She says trying to change the topic.
"T-today was a special occasion that all!" All of a sudden I can now hear the music playing. Lovely,I'm no longer def. Quite odd.

"But you're drunk Jason! It's even showing," she says while looking at my eyes. They feel like they've turned red.

"R-right now I'm dating Nicole. And she's not breaking h-her promises" I say throwing my hands back and forth. Jasmine stood there shocked but not so surprised since she saw Nicole and i together at the park.

"I don't care. Break up with her and we'll get together"she says. "It's pretty loud in here. Can we go somewhere quiet at least?"

Where is Nicole?

She's taking her time to find me,"sure.we can get back together "jasmines eyes lit and her lips curled up into a smirk.
"I'm off to look for Nicole," with that I leave jasmine and search for Nicole

I'm exhausted already ...I need to take a nap. I take a seat close to the bar."Jason!" Now this is Nicole! "N-Nicole?"

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