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"You're fired."
I bolted in surprise, my brows knitted in confusion as I stared at my boss who currently faced me with a displeased expression, he growled.

"I'm sorry, but you are clearly not fit for this job. You were assigned to fill in paperwork that was due two weeks ago, and yet you still weren't able to provide it even after I gave you another week of working on that particular project."
The boss hissed with venom, his glare pierced through my skull as I stared back causing me to break sweat before making an attempt to protest.

"But sir, I also had 8 more projects to finish! It's impossible to complete your request when I have 8 more pending and waiting! I-"
"I don't care, should've made that project your number one priority. Now pack up and go."
And with that, I had no choice but to accept my fate and leave with my items in hand. Today was a very shit day.

"Ugh... " I groaned raspily as I let my body go limp and fell on the couch, I continued to mope and moan as I sat there. My used to be office supplies sitting on the ground beside me, sitting in its paper box compartment as my eyes began to scan my tv's blank screen. I hummed weakly.

"It's okay!... It's okay.. I can just find a new job! I can't be that hard right?" Probably will..The last time I actually found my job I found myself experiencing it as a bit of a challenge. I was never really a professional communicator but somehow got the job and stayed through two years until THAT happened. God my boss is such an asshole, but I can't just stay moping around, unemployed and broke. I need to find a job and FAST.

A few seconds later I was now facing my laptop screen, my favourite music genre playing in the background as I frantically searched for a job on the internet, website through website. "There's gotta be something.. " I muttered to myself as my eyes scanned the screen with every scroll I took, until...

'Freddy fazzbears' pizzeria: HELP WANTED!'

Hm... This looks promising.. But I'm not sure if this is a good idea. After the incidents taking place in that restaurant I promised myself not to step foot in that place again. But I'm in dire need of a job and this is basically my only option. Either this or a janitor at McDonalds and I'm sure as hell not choosing that.. And plus they seem to have a lot more spots open...

Day shift guard..
Night shift guard..
And Floor staff..

I guess floor staff isn't such a bad job, it's easy and simple. Or maybe take night guard duty? Hm.. I think I'll pick the floor staff for now before anything else.. I just hope I get accepted. Well- it's not like anyone else is applying anyway.. The amount of applications sent is literally zero- I should take this as a warning flag to step back and stop myself from going any further..but of course, I won't. I need a fucking job-

'Application sent'


A/n : sorry the first chapter is short but I assure you, future chapters will be much longer :)
Word count : 555 words