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Before this chapter starts, I am fully aware that william is less shorter than 5 foot. But as I did my research I noticed that Dave was 6'10— and I was not about to let that happen in my book so I'm just gonna make him 6'1 :) 

(????)'s pov :
July 12th, 1986.

The rain poured hard as I stood in front of Freddy's. My face stretched to a grin as I gripped on the handle of my purple umbrella, thunder began to strike and the ground slightly shook of vibration. it's been a while, hasn't it? 

It didn't take me long to finally get in, and when facing a door with the words "manager" on the glass, I began tapping it with my umbrella before kicking the door down, whatshisface then to perk up at my action causing me to grin while also biting the right corner of my lip "howdy, pardner!"

The man sat silent as he looked at me with big eyes, he lightly shook his head. "You're…. You're here for the interview, correct?.."the man up front question nervously, looking at my face as his brows began to furrow causing me to smile handsomely before replying back with my southern accent. 

" a' shure am! Les kick beck and get this ball rollin' now! But take yer time. I Ain't got nowhere to be" I smirked as I remarked towards the tanned man, prompting my legs above and on his desk causing him to look back from my feet to my eyes, he erred slightly before fixing his glasses. 
"Uh— alright.Lets uh, start with your name."

'DAMN, he's already got me backed into a corner. Fast thinking, willy!' While the tanned man was still focusing on the paper at hand, I took the opportunity to glance around the room For possible names. And when I did eventually find one a small smirk began to stretch from my lips. 

"David Miller, call me Dave."

Y/n's pov:
July 14th,1986.

It's been 2 years ever since the incidents, and a lot has happened ever since. 

Henry and William decided to split ways from business but William intended to stay to build his new idea of "circus baby's pizza world" in another area where the land is bigger for the new restaurant. and ever since then we haven't really seen each other or spoken, for the better of course. 

Philip was now the manager of Freddy's and I was promoted to assistant manager, but due to shortage of our staff I was also a part of the floor staff as well as another guy named Jeremy Fitzgerald. 

Jeremy was… hyper, he's young and he's goofy. But even with his extreme friendliness I can't help but feel a little annoyed by him, but that's on rare occasions when I'm actually in a bad mood. 

We also had another employee as well, but she's more present at nighttime due to being the restaurant's night guard. Her name is joan, she's a very chill woman and was extremely beautiful— 

Anyway, I was currently in the party room with Jeremy. He and I were helping each other out while laying out decorations when suddenly Phil Came in with another person, someone who looked… Familiar. 

His piercing silver blue eyes met mine and as soon as we made eye contact, it felt like I had known this man from before.. But I couldn't seem to place my finger on it. 

"Ms. L/n, Mr. Fitzgerald. Our new employee decided to show up." Phil spoke rather in an irritated tone before beginning the formal introduction for the three of us. 

"Ms. L/n, Mr. Fitzgerald, This is Mr. Miller. Mr. Miller, Ms. L/n my assistant and Mr. Fitzgerald"

"Pleasure meetin' ya, miss. Beautiful, indeed ''Dave smirked as he then grabbed hold of my hand, kissing the knuckles softly with his lips causing me to look back at Jeremy with Grimace in which he returned before pulling my hand back, smiling crookedly. "Er—uhm— yeah, thanks… "