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Chapter 16

"Where am I .... ''I muttered confusedly as I stood walking in a familiar hallway. The lights flickered from above as I continued to strut, clueless of what was happening in my surroundings. 

Sounds of faint laughter were heard, high pitched giggles and so were muffled conversations as I marched my way forward and anxiously. 

The voices spoke,
"Let's hear it for the birthday boy!" 
"Happy birthday to you!~"
"Are you sure you don't want the fries, miss?"
"Haha, yeah! Then Gabe was stupid enough to eat it too!"
"Dads not gonna be happy if he sees you with those.. "


That's what I felt at the very moment as I walked through the rotting halls of a nostalgic diner. The sounds of many familiar events, replaying over and over as my heart came heavy and so was my breathing. 

The hall was dark, but it didn't take me long to notice an open door. It creaked slowly, the sounds around me then stopped as I came into contact causing me to break sweat before hesitating and finally pushing the door even further. 

Your lying blue eyes… used to charm me..

A shadowy figure stood, its back facing  me stiffly as I stared forwards and behind the skull of the host. At that very moment, I refused to move any further. but something tickled my interest..making an attempt in pulling me in.. What was it, Curiosity? Bravery? Sacrifice? I don't know. 

Hypnotize me, through and through

Slow hitch breaths were heard in the corner of the room causing me to switch my glance towards the source and squinting my eyes, adjusting itself into the darkness. 

"H̵̨̢̨̱̤͚͕̬͔͖̻̮͕̼̫̙̣͇͔͕͓̝̅͜ͅȩ̶̛̞̩̫̲͎̭͎̗͍͈̘̹̰̤͉̥̳̺͕͎̭͕̑̾͋͊̾̄̆̍̉͋͒̃͊̚ͅͅl̸̢̡̛̯̪̟̤̩̼͕̖͈͍̱͓̖̰̮̽̂͗̑̈́̀͗̓̌ͅp̵̧̡̣̙̳̜̼̫͙͖̙͓̹͓̦̼̩̩̩̟̗̣͈̓̋̇͊̈͛͗̃̂̅̄́̓̓̐̈́̓͋̏͜.̷̢̨̣̜̫̲͔̟̘̘̤̹͖̣͓̙͓̠͎̆͒̕ͅ.̸̢̢̛̟̬͔̩̻̖̹͚̮͈͇̬̺̩͙̗̗̺̗̮́̓̿̌̈̅̂͗͌̍̓͜͠ͅ.̷̡̨̧̛̲͓̜̣̪̳̩͎͔̬͕̭̲͕̓͌͂̿̒͐̓̌̍͠ ̶̡̧̛̰͎̙̹̤̮̼̫̪̫̦̪̱̺̰̳̭̩͈͌̋͋̎̾̀̀͒͒̉̄̃̒̈́͘̚M̴̨̢̧̢̬̖̩̟̤͕̮̲͓̼̫̺̤̲̭̻͉̖̥͒̓̅̿̔̉͜͝ȩ̸̢̢̨̡̯̮̦͍̰͈̦̦̯͎̭̳͚͖͕͇̖̤̜̼̀͌̓̊̍̀͒̆̽͠͝.̴̧̢̹̜͉͖͚̘̦̮̮͊̅̆̃͗͌̈́̎͊͘.̸̮͕͛͆̾̆̐̄̈́͒͒̀̒́́̍̿̃̀̉̆̂͝͠.̷̢̛̛̬̜͎̩̘̣̫̱̞̞̙͇̣͉̭̥͖̹̭̦̟̟̬̾̅͒̉̓͊͐̾́̒́́̾̀̈̈̎̂̆̐̚̚͜ͅ ̴͕͔̻͇̳̙̳̰̤̣̱͎̦̲̼͈̓̈́̾̃̈́̈́̾̓̈́̌̀͊̚̚̚͝͝͝͝"

"Jerry?..... "

Like a fool lord, I've been dreaming

I quivered. The cry of a small child echoed the room, muttering helpless moans of pain as they sat on their own puddle of blood.. I froze in place. 

I wanted to help, I really did. But it wasn't like there was anything I could do to reverse the unwanted results of reality so I just stood silently, Watching one of my beloved friends suffer painfully at a young age. I didn't want this to happen… I wanted more than this. 
But life is unfair, short, and hopeless. 
But jerem— ...Jerry… Jerry was still young and free. He deserved more, he deserved more than what had got in store.. 

A familiar voice raspily whispered, causing me to swiftly switch back my vision towards the shadowy figure, who was now facing me directly. "You…" I muttered as my feet slowly backed itself in place, causing the shadowy figure to step further In action as its white pupils glowed in the darkness, piercing sharply through my skull. It moaned,