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Chapter 14
September 3rd, 1986
6:48 p.m.

Apparently, tomorrow was "international boss appreciation day" and Dave was very confident about announcing that to Jeremy and I, saying that he'll be holding a party at 6 p.m tomorrow evening. At first I wasn't really interested since it was any other normal day except with a title that includes a specific role on our job, but then again it was Phil so I knew I had to come prepared and let the man have a special day of his own, minus his birthday of course. 

Phil needed the little celebration and he is more deserving of it as well, and plus, I'm sure he'll love the little party after a long day of work. 

"Another party will be set at 6pm tomorrow, make sure to write that in before closing the restaurant"

Oh shit. Why does it have to be the time as the party?! Guess we'll have the postpone the celebration for a few hours and tell Dave about this unfortunate news.. But for now I'll have to write down the time and tell Dave about it tomorrow while I can. I just hope that this little get-together goes well… especially since DAVE'S the one that's planning on it. Let's just hope for the best. 

"Yes sir I'll get to it soon!"


The next day… 
5:57 p.m

The day was slow and little to two parties took place and now it is currently 4 p.m. Jesus, When I tell you I tried to speak to Dave about the news, I TRIED. The man was so persistent all the way and refused to speak to me about our little event. 

He kept shushing me when I even spoke about the party, telling me to "not spoil the celebration for Phil" whenever he passed by the two of us, it was getting annoying. So I did what every person would do when an annoying little cowboy choosingly ignores my attempted warnings, I let him suffer. by without knowing of the kid's birthday party, of course. 

The natural blonde fuck was still currently preparing for the event, and apparently he brought alcohol in a child's party place… whatever, when this whole thing goes down it'll be all his fault. I'll be feeling bad, yes. but it wasn't like he didn't deserve what was happening. 

"Aren't ya going te' help me, doll? " the tall Texan asked as he continued to pour out the reeking alcohol in a glass bowl, I merely shrugged my shoulders as a first reply. "No, I'm still currently waiting for Jacob's party to come in so I can check this booking off." I spoke smirking as I held a clipboard causing Dave to raise a brow in confusion


Not a second later, a huge group of children came running in with a big smile causing Dave to look back in shock, before  then shoving the bottle down the bin as Phil then walked in with Jeremy on his side with a grin. (WOAH THAT RHYMED?!) 

"Great work on setting up, mr. Miller! I think this is one of the best prepared birthday parties I've seen!"The short chubby man spoke in big spirits causing Dave to look at them with a nervous and crooked smile

"B—birthday-? Oh… Heh… Yeah, of course. Birthday party. Kiiiiids…" Dave replied as sweat dripped down from his forehead, whipping his head towards my direction as a glare then was brought causing my smirk to grow even wider before strutting away girlboss style. 

Dave then coughed, 
"I uh- just remembered! This punch! Yes, this punch! It's spoiled!" The blonde man announced as a hint of panic slipped from his lips as he lifted the glass bowl causing philip to question his actions and words, 

"How can punch be spoiled if you just poured it? ..Let me see that." Our manager then demanded towards Dave, who instead kept it away. "No, sir! Far too nasty. I'm sure you'd be sicker than a dog from one drop." The taller man cooed, Jeremy then smiled.