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I opened the glass door in front of me, with a single push of a handle I was already inside and by then a few heads were quick to whip my way in which made me look back nervously.

"Uhm, ma'am we aren't open just yet.. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave.." a man with golden locks and glasses spoke calmly as he made his way towards my direction, I raised a finger,

"Actually.. I'm here for an interview? I sent an application yesterday and I was told to come here and do an interview with Mr boseman" I grinned slightly after my comeback and the man's lips formed a letter 'o' before nodding at my statement,

"Of course! But ehm.. Mr Boseman still hasn't shown up yet, would you like to stay In for some coffee as you wait?" The man sweetly smiled as he offered, which caused me to smile back in return a second after, "I would love that, thank you mister uh..." "Emily, Henry Emily. Co-owner of Freddy fazbears"

"Oh! It's a pleasure to meet you sir! I'm y/n l/n" I replied with a sincere grin before reaching out my hand in which he took before shaking it as he greeted back "so y/n, what are you applying as?"

"Well.. I was actually deciding on night shift duty but eventually chose floor staff" I answered, causing the man before me to nod with a hum included "you know, I'm glad you applied... we're currently short on staff members and we need every person that we could possibly get," henry admitted with a small frown as we conversed, I slowly smiled

"Well, hopefully I get accepted. I would be more than happy to help out ''I stated as my smile continued, and as if it was contagious Mr Emily smiled back as well to my response, "well, it's not like he could refuse you either way. We're so desperate it'd be crazy for him to do so" henry jested which caused me to chuckle lightly in response

"Oye! We aren't owpen, get the bloody hell out of here!" A man with a very heavy English accent shouted as he marched towards us with his fists balled up, and his Pinkies popped out. His brows knitted in anger as his nose was scrunched the same way, he scoffed.

"Con't you read the damn sign outside?!" The angered brunette scowled towards me causing me to back up a bit before opening my mouth to protest, "Will, calm down, she's just here for an interview" Henry spoke to defend me which caused the other man to shut his mouth before rolling his eyes irritatingly. "Whateva, don't go screwing around" he spat out with a final glare before strutting away,

Henry sighed.

"I'm really sorry about him... he's uhm.. He's like that" Henry smiled crookedly as he faced me with sympathy, I awkwardly smiled back "I get it, short people come with short tempers... But damn- he was Robbed from puberty-" I stated as I followed the man's steps as he walked away, 'but not gonna lie... he's kinda fine..'

"Yeah.. Sometimes it's like that.. But trust me, inside that little ball of anger is a genius. Gifted people sometimes have their bad sides and unfortunately for William, he has one and that's being a little bit mean" Henry explained before looking away, I huffed slightly

"Little bit is an understatement.. " I muttered under my breath before hearing the door behind me open which caused both me and Henry to look back in curiosity.

"Mr Boseman!" Henry chimed aloud as he then moved beside me, smiling,"Mr.emily, good morning. " the redhead man up front greeted with a soft smile before facing me with the same features, "and you must be y/n, correct? " asked the tall Irish man and I simply nodded my head in response.

"I believe i have an interview to take" I spoke before smiling, my hands gripping on the strap of my bag as i waited for the males response.

"Oh right! Uh ehm.. There's no need for that, actually" Boseman chirped before grinning which caused me to look back in confusion, "why is that, sir? " I merely asked as I stood still, he looked back at me "well, since we're currently short on staff, I think it's best if we just skip the interview and go straight to the point"

"Then...Why did you email me to come here if we're not going to do an interview?'

" just to let you get to know your coworkers and your job in general, so when tomorrow comes you won't have to spend precious time on other things than your work" boseman stated, i merely hummed.

"Now that's all settled... MR AFTON."


Boseman rolled his eyes,

"Please escort y/n around the pizzeria and be her " tour guide " for today. Make sure to answer her questions and be clear of telling her purpose " Mr. Boseman ordered The short brunette in which caused him to mumble swear words under his breath before replying back,

"WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME? WHY CONT HENRY DEW IT" William remarked with a hot temper causing Boseman to suck on his own teeth out of frustration. "Do it or you're fired."

"Bollocks.. Fine! Stupid twat.. Focking Pillock... hey you!" William shouted as he stood from his position and jumped off the stage, I looked back. "I-"

"Yeah, you. What are you, deaf? Just get your ass over here and get this shit over with. " the purple man scoffed as he turned away, crossing his arms and tapping his feet as he waited for my "arrival"

"Am I really going to work with this guy?.. " I asked Henry and he merely nodded as a short reply, I groaned. "Hurry up will ya?!" William shouted from his spot which caused me to swear under my breath before finally walking towards him.

"Took you long enough.. Now.. Follow me.."

Word count : 1010 words