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Chapter 13
Later that day.. 

It was now closing time and we were all currently gathered up in the play area. Jeremy was still crying and I was trying my best to piece everything of what was left of foxy while Dave was currently mopping on the sides, Phil grumbled as he entered. 

"Mr.miller, in my office. Now." 
Phil angrily ordered towards our new employee causing Dave to mutter curse words before following the man inside his office while slouching. 

"T.f…. " Jeremy cried out as he took the animatronics head and hugged it with all his might, I sighed. "We can still fix her, I mean.. It can't be THAT hard, right?" wrong.

The process was confusing and time consuming as ever,  both Jeremy and I had a very rough time putting the pieces together but we eventually ended up with…. Something.. 

It didn't look like foxy one bit.. The body parts were mangled. There are two heads and a torso was NOT provided… but it's not we were engineers so this is the best we could on repairing the poor fox. Though, despite the animatronic's current state, Jeremy seemed to be satisfied. He was smiling at the sight, and eventually carried the piece before glancing my way. 

"I think we did a pretty good job! She is better than before! " the blonde teen cheered before running off to the manager's office with me following from behind. "Hey guys, I fixed him!" Jeremy shouted in a happy tone as he entered the room, I crookedly grinned as Phil began to raise a brow in my direction before looking back at the animatronic with a sweating forehead. 

"They may look hella wonky, but they move around just fine, see?" The youngest employee spoke before letting loose of the broken down animatronic, causing it to crawl on the walls before looking down on us creepily, I grimaced at the sight before chuckling lightly. "It's uhm… . The best we could do… "

Philip coughed, 
"You know what… perhaps this could work. What was it you called it earlier mr. Miller? a, uh, " take apart and put together" animatronic? I suppose we could keep going with that.." Phil stated as he continued to stare at the broken fox on the wall, Jeremy didn't seem to be on board with this new idea. 

"What?! That's crazy, man.  I don't want to see her hurt like that ever again!" Jeremy protested in a worried tone before Joan then slid herself into the conversation as well, "well… They seem just fine right now. Everything will be fine Jeremy, don't worry about it" she tall woman spoke, reassuring her anxious friend, causing the little man to sigh before finally giving in, "I guess you're right… "

"Atta boy! Now if you fellas will excuse me, I have a shift to start" Joan announced as she then spinned a chain of keys in her hands, walking away into the security office leaving us to stand before finally exiting the building. 

As we all made into our respective vehicles I noticed how Dave didn't have one and just walked past us before finally glancing my way with a smirk, "see ya tomorrow, ms. Assistant" the natural blonde widely grinned before walking away leaving me to glare at his path and rolling my eyes. 

"You had the chance to fire him, why didn't you?" I asked Philip who was still currently making his way towards his vehicle, he sighed. "We needed him, y/n. Its not like we could get a new one anytime sooner. And plus, I kinda felt bad for the guy.. "

'Felt bad? Man, that little cactus is less of a person that deserves sympathy. But then again I'm probably just annoyed by his mere presence, thus resulting in me being as cranky as I am now. Doesn't matter, it's good that I am finally not around him.. It's better to spend time with myself at home before sleeping skipping and into the next day… that'd probably cheer me up'