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Chapter 7
June 2nd, 1984
11:32 a.m.

 It was just another day on the job, Vincent was asleep and the boseman kids were here to help, well… Not really. 

They were all doing their thing, not really helping the diner at any step but that's just kids being kids. Anyway, Jerry was eating sugar, more specifically lollipops as Phil stared scared as he cleaned the packets and remains on the floor near the small child. 

Gabriel was taping his band banner that said "CocaineMeltingEyeballs" in front of the stage as his sister was painting words on a piece of parchment with red liquid.. I don't know if it's blood or just red paint and I don't really care to find out which is which. 

"Hello Guys!" 
Boseman cheered as he came in through the glass doors while William walked in with a brown box in hand, glaring towards the red headed man before turning his heels and walking away. 

Not a second after Boseman had appeared, the three of his 'loving' children smiled and moved from their position to run his way, soon being swarmed by his children, left and right. 

"Da, Do ya like my banner so far?"
"Look, Da! I drew my cool robot idea!"
"Look at my skates, da!"

All children were ecstatic to share their news with their father, each being as excited and upbeat as the next one as all continued with their blabbering, Boseman laughed. 

"Aye, calm down now. Take it easy on Ms. L/n and Mr. Guy here, they're the only ones keeping this place standing!" The Irish man chuckled as both me and Phil stood from behind, "it's 'gee'.. " Philip corrected the man, only to be ignored. 

"Unlike someone.. '' Boseman growled looking at Vincent's direction who was STILL currently sleeping. So William took one for the team and slapped the shit out of his brother, but that didn't seem to work as well as we thought.. 

Boseman huffed, 
" I just came by real quick to check on you Lot, be sure to treat Mr. Afton, ms. L/n and Mr. Guy well" spoke the head man as he held his cigarette in hand, his smile continued to stretch as he faced his children for a mere second before being asked by his son, Gabriel. 

"Da! You said I could practice for the Grojband festival here today, right?"

"Of course, gabe! You can even use the stage. Be sure to give these chumps a show they won't forget" boseman replied sweetly causing Gabriel to smile before being earned by a forehead kiss in which he slightly giggles at before scooting away, embarrassed. 

"Awww come on Da, that's gross!" Gabriel spoke shyly towards his father, causing him to smile from delight. "I'll be back before closing time laddies!~" boseman loudly announced before walking out of the doors, Gabriel ran. 

"Please don't run.. " Phil tiredly spoke as Gabe continued to do so anyway, "I need to call the fellas over!" The little man remarked before fading out of sight, Philip sighed. 

"Kids sure are a handful.. " I spoke as I stood beside Phil, whose figure was almost slouching from tiredness, he nodded. "Yeah.. Ugh it's kinda giving me a headache.."

"I mean.. You can always take a break, I'll fill in for you so don't worry bout it"

"Nono! It's alright, honestly. Dealing with kids is basically a part of my contract so I really shouldn't be complaining as much… Thank you for the hunch, though. I really appreciate it" Phil smiles weakly towards me, looking away and returning to this duties before I could even reply and return the gesture. 

"No problem-"


June 7th, 1984
9:36 a.m.