867 31 23

TW : mentions of detailed blood and injury

I wonder what's so special about this room anyway… 

 And there we were, standing in front of the locked door of another room that I haven't been in contact with, I slowly glanced at the door as Cassidy then swiped the keys out of her brother's grip."gimme that!" the little girl hissed as she did so, Jerry frowned deeply. 

"What's inside?" Gabriel asked as he place the both of his fists in the pocket of his kilt, Jerry shrugged. "I dunno, but I think it's his secret lair!" The little man spoke as he grinned, turning to me soon after his response towards his older brother. 

"What do you think, miss? Have you been here before?! What's inside?! Have you and the purple guy been spending your spare time in there? I saw you guys getting along more, what is it!? Tell me, tell me!"
Little ol Jerry asked questions upon questions as he jumped from his space, I slightly winced at his hyperness. 

"Erm— actually, no. I've never been in there before, and I was told to never go in there by William under any circumstances. I really don't know why, maybe he just hates me that much? Or maybe it IS his secret lair, who knows" I jested towards the little red head causing his smile to widen even more over hope, Cassidy rolls her eyes. 

"Oh, bullshit. It's probably just another storage room, but it seems to be off limits.. Which means? ~"

"OUR, SECRET LAIR!" Both boys cheered as they faced each other causing Cassidy to laugh out of amusement, and by then the door was already unlocked and opened so we went in with no hesitation. 

As soon as we took a step inside, the smell of rust, rotten meat and overall nasty shit filled our nostrils. so nasty in fact that it made the four of us hurl out of disgust before covering our noses. 

"Guys, are you sure we should even meddle with this room? I feel like I'm gonna puke just by staying another second in this place.. " I admitted with furrow brows as I faced the three boseman children, Gabriel agrees then comments as well on the horrid stench. 

"Yeah— ugh, JESUS CHRIST! It's fucking rancid in here!" The eldest child cried out disgustedly, Jerry slightly giggled. "It smells like gabes farts after eating dads potato casserole—" after he spoke Gabriel was sudden to spit on his little brother causing Jerry to wail and run behind me as he continued to cry out, 

"Gabe, don't fucking spit on your brother—" I announced angrily towards the eldest causing Gabriel to roll his eyes before muttering an apology. 

"Looks like this is where the limey bastard is repairing the broken robots.." Cassidy spoke as she continued to inspect the two animatronics in front of her, I squinted my eyes. 'I wonder what happened to them and how they got in a situation so bad, it smells like satan's fart in here and now I'm really curious as to what happened, I don't know if I should ask William though, he'd probably fucking kill me when I do but I'm really nosy when it comes to situations like these so I can't really help but question the problem—' then I noticed the bucket of dripping brown liquid below foxy… 

"No wonder they're broken, I didn't realise they smelled that bad.. "
"Yeah, probably why he's repairing them here and not in the regular Parts and service room." 

"But once he's fixed them, he shouldn't have much more of a reason to come in here, " Cassidy spoke as she continued to pinch on her nose, turning towards us as she did so before proceeding with her words, "Look, this room is ALMOST empty. It's barely even used." The teen spoke sternly, gesturing around the room causing Jerry to perk up.