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The halls of the diner were very dim as we walked through them, the flickering of broken lights didn't help much as it only made the place look more of an eyesore then it already was, it was kinda painful to watch, but at least that wasn't the case of most of the lights. Some were steady as some were just completely broken and unusable, which was weird considering this place was newly renovated..I hummed.

"Are you guys planning on getting these lights fixed?" I asked as we continued to walk, William being upfront as I stayed from behind. He glanced towards me, "probably not. Ask that Irish man..he runs this place and I'm sure as hell that he doesn't take any ideas from me even if it DID benefit the restaurant. Bloody Irish people... ugh.. " William muttered the last part as we continued to explore the halls, he stopped.

"This is the storage room. This is where your materials are laid on. like mops, brooms and whatever else you use to clean shit up. And that concludes the tour. got any question, doll?" William spoke in a more 'irritated' manner making the nickname 'doll' turn into an insult rather than a sweet baby name, i mentally curled my lips as I heard him speak.

"No uh- no I'm good" I responded smiling, trying to seem respectable to the creepy looking co-owner, only to be returned with a faint scoff. I secretly rolled my eyes.

"If that's the case then then I guess it's time to head b-"
"Oh uh you still haven't told me about this room" I spoke out as I made my way towards a particular door, my hand laying on its surface before being interrupted by a slam of a hand on mine, it was a rather hard hit so I squaked painfully and when I did his face tightened as he looked at me and I flinched at the impact.

"DON'T- ugh..." William rubbed the bridge of his nose as he hissed irritatingly. ''Don't go in there. That's the part and service room where I work and it's not a place for pretty princesses like YOU. now buzz off and get back to the main area before I throw you back myself." William threatened as he threw an intimidating glare towards me, which almost made me break a sweat. Yeah he might be small but damn this bitch CAN'T get any scarier.. He hit my hand with no hesitation and I haven't even fully met the guy!..fucking asshole.

"Of course..." I replied in a low tone as I rubbed the back of my hand as It turned red before turning back and marching out of the halls and into the more open main area, and as I did I was more than sure that Mr. Afton was burning another death glare from behind my skull and that itself made my pace quicken.

"Took you long enough" Boseman spoke as he made his way towards me with henry following suit as he held a half eaten donut with a smile, "how was the tour?" The golden retriever man asked as his soft smile stretched with sweetness, I erred.

"Uhm.. It was... "
"It was perfect." William spoke as he gripped on my shoulder, which made me whip my head towards his direction with knitted brows. He smirked. "It was alright, y/n here was well behaved" the 5ft (he's in shoes) midget spoke with a smooth tone causing both Henry to huff through his nose as he smiled,

"that's good! Glad you two are getting along" Mr Boseman chimed with a toothy grin before earning a ring from his phone, "excuse me, I have to take this" he spoke responsibly before walking away and talking to the phone.

"Well, it's still 11 a.m. y/n would you like to stay in for lunch?" Henry asked politely as William continued to grip on my shoulder before letting loose. I rubbed my hand, "uhm.. I would love to! But I'm afraid I can't.. "

I lied, I could've stayed for longer but after that British menace damaging my hand I don't think I'll be able to stand another hour with him. And unfortunately for me, I'm going to be working with him as well so that's bad luck acting up with it's role.

"Oh well.. That's rather sad. Well good bye now!" William cooed and I mentally cringed when he did. "If you say so, I guess we'll see you tomorrow then?" Henry asked with a grin as William was crossing his arms and glaring from behind, I smiled.