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Chapter 15
3 hours later… 

3 hours have passed and now we have arrived. Jeremy's singing still continued from the back and currently his counting numbers were in negative sixty three bottles. I don't know why he would even continue it up until three hours of driving and still somehow did it without getting kicked out of the bus— he was practically the only loud one in there but at least he wasn't ordered to roll down the streets and back home. anyway. 

Dave beside me was currently leaning his head on my shoulder and his left hand on my thigh, his eyes were wide open as his lips were as straight as a pole.. His figure was stiff and his breathing was slow as well…i'm starting to think that this guy is slowly going mental inside his brain..is he dead? Hopefully not— 

Finally after a whole minute had passed a bright light from a huge building came into view and holy shit it looked fancy— there was a fucking fountain up front and a beautiful garden… omg are we actually gonna stay in here for a whole week?! DAMN

I was as excited as a kid on Christmas Day, so as soon as the bus parked  I was more than ready to get out, even if I had to shove Dave off of the damn bus… Which I almost did— but he was quick to land on his feet causing him to glare at my direction before groaning slightly which made me smile crookedly as a return. 

Surely enough we were all guided inside and after the lead person had conversed with the receptionist, we were all given separate keys with different numbers. 

Dave groaned beside me, 
"Darn, I can't share a room with y/n?! That ain't fair!" The tall southern blonde moaned out causing Phil to roll his eyes in annoyance before Dave then leaned beside me to look at the number of my room key. 

"420? Fuck, I'm a whole 5 rooms away.."
The Texan man pouted playfully before earning an idea and perking up, he coughed. 

" Does anybody with room number 419 wanna switch? I—" and before he could even continue his unwanted announcement, I was quick to pull his suspenders and cover his mouth with my palm. 

"Don't even think about it, pardner."
I spoke whispering towards the tall menace causing his cheeks to flush red with his eyes scanning mine before being pushed away, I coughed then looked away. 

"We should get going…" 
I lowly whispered to Phil who was more than agreeing on the idea, so we were now making our way towards the elevator and into the destined floors of our hotel room.

We were all currently walking to our doors when suddenly Dave was quick to pull my waist when running in his room, leaving Phil and Jeremy to look back confused and concerned before Jeremy shrugged and went off. 

I peeped out before being thrown on the bed causing me to bounce in place before groaning. "Ugh.. What the fuck Dave.. " I muttered out as I sat up, but once I did I felt a pair of arms being quickly placed beside my figure causing me to look up in swoop, I flushed at the sight. 

Dave was currently on top, his smirk was wide as the tip of his nose softly brushed against mine of how close our faces were, he raspily chuckled at the sighted before leaning in even more. 

"It's good to finally have some alone time now, ain't it darlin'?~"

His words smoothly rolled off his tongue as his whisper made me slightly shiver, and before I could even process what I was doing, I was quick to shove his face away and mentally cried inside as my face heated up in seconds, Dave huffed with a smile soon after. 

"Don't even think about it.. "
I glared towards the taller male as I then covered my mouth and nose with my right palm, hiding the blush from total embarrassment which only caused the man to hum amusingly before propping back in place.