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After earliers 'incident' with the vending machine… Henry decided to host a small party at a local bar nearby, as a gift for all of us. Of course, it was after work so we were all basically grateful that we finally got a good break from doing our jobs and getting a cold drink after. 

But I wasn't really much of a drinker so I stayed sober through all of it, and so did Phil and Henry. The only person that actually got wasted was William, who by the way, screamed at other people and flirted with most of the women in the bar.… including me.

It was getting late, basically about to become 1 am so I knew I HAD to go home. "Hey y/n?" Henry asked as he dusted his shirt off and grabbed his bag, "do you mind taking William back home? I don't think he's sober enough to even drive on his own, especially since the drive back to his place is far from here.. I'm so sorry to bother you about this, here's his address" 

Henry then gave me a piece of parchment, weakly smiling at me before scratching the back of his neck, "again.. I'm really sorry-" Emily chuckles nervously before earning a small smile from my lips. "It's no problem at all mr.Emily. I promise to drive him home as soon as I can" I exclaimed with a grin causing Henry to smile as well.

"Thank you, y/n. And please, just call me Henry." Henry remarked towards me before finally heading towards the door, leaving me with a very drunk British man. I groaned. 

"Alright you stinky fuck… time to go home." I muttered angrily as I made my way towards the drunk brunette who was currently chugging down whisky straight from the bottle, I curled my lips. 

"Hey. It's time to go. " I spoke as I touched his shoulder, he looked at me confused. "Go?! No—oOo! I'm not goiiing…" William cried out as he gripped on the table before him, continuing to chug the bottle soon after, it was now empty. 

"Huh… " William hummed as he  looked inside the empty bottle before throwing it to the side, "aight… foine lets BURP go. Lead the way, pretty lady~… " William chuckled as he stood, trying to maintain his balance as he toppled over with every step he took, I sighed. 

Right before falling on the ground, I took the liberty to pull him and wrap his arm around my neck, "woah getting close now aren't we, darling?~" William cooed as he faced me. Feeling the reek of alcohol in his breath, my face was quick to switch to a more bitter expression before looking away and starting to walk out of the bar with a blabbering British in hand. 

Finally in the car, I decided to place him in the back seat but instead of staying in place he made his way through the gap and sat in the passenger seat instead, smiling as he faced me, waiting for me to enter the vehicle. So I did.

Me not wanting to spend another hour with this menace, started the car and drove off towards Williams home. "Hey cutie, are you a plumber cause I got a pipe for you to fix~" William chuckled as he leaned from his seat, continuing to spit out very shitty pick up line as I stayed silent and irritated

"I’m peanut butter. You’re jelly. Let’s have sex. This might seem corny, but you’re making me horny. Want to play conductor? You be the engineer and I’ll go choo-ch-"

"SHUT UP- just- Jesus Christ…" I sighed heavily as my cheeks were still currently heating up from embarrassment. I really didn't want to take this fucker home but at the same time I didn't wanna be rude so here we are now. 

though my yelling didn't seem to stop the annoying British from cooing out more horny pick up lines so as soon as I saw his house I was more than happy to get him out of my car. 

I took a stop and parked my car just in front of his and got out, and so did William. It was now 1:27 am as I checked my time so I was getting a bit tired myself. I took his arms and opened the door, and as soon as I did I saw a little girl with short blonde hair sit up from her current position as I opened the door, a smile was on her face but soon faded away as she saw my mere presence. 

"Father! Father! You're home!"

The little girl cheered as she ran towards William who was now out of grip. She was about to hug the man but it was merely prevented by a hand covering the little girls face, interfering the attempt and looking away. 

"I shure am… And you're up WAy past your bedtime. " William spoke as he kept his child away, she smiled and tilted her head. "It's becaa~use I have something to show you!" The little girl grinned, her index finger pushing her cheek as she glanced at her father with very high spirits. 

"Well? Get it over with and show me already, I've had a very long day and I wanna hit the hay" William smiled towards his daughter, waiting for an answer. 

"Notice anything...different?" The child then posed in front of him, confident and sure as she spoke, william squinted. "You err… grew taller?... Had a birthday?.."

"W-what?.. No, I—"

"Ohh NOooo, I lost the guessing game.. Guess I have to be punished by going to me room now! Don't worry I'll think very hard on my actions in my DreAms~... Who knows I might even learn something NeW?"

And with those word he left the room, I should be going too but… the girl started crying… 

And as if she felt my glance she whip her head towards me with an angry expression, still her tears were pour down and shouted, "YOU…LEAVE MY FATHER ALONE, YOU WILL NEVER REPLACE MOM! NEVER! "  I was taken back, what's this about?! I didn't do anything- did she assume I was dating his dad?.. Never the less I took this as an opportunity to finally leave and go home, so I did. I didn't really want to be placed in family problems but I felt bad when I saw her cry, I understand her feelings and I wanted to help but I couldn't. 

I guess I'll just have to do nothing. 

A/n: this is just a small filler from the chapters, the next ones will be more focused on the pizzeria and other stuff like…Murder- yeah and maybe some yandere acts? Idk really, I have some things in mind but they're not complete so I hope you guys enjoyed this filler :) 
word count : 1155 words