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Chapter 22
August 17th 1987
3:26 p.m

It was just another day of work, and I've finally freed my mind from the blood sucking insect that was Dave miller. The place was quiet and there were no parties for today. The day was slow and with it I could finally rest up a bit by listening to some tunes on the radio next to me, it drew a smile on my face. 

"♫TONIGHT THE MUSIC SEEMS SO LOUD, I WISH THAT WE COULD LOSE THIS CROWD.. MAYBE IT'S BETTER THIS WAY, WE'D HURT EACH OTHER WITH THE THINGS WE WANT TO SAY! ♬♩ " I screamed with the radio as i sang with pride, no matter with having a voice that sounded like a dying whale, I was still having fun. 

I grabbed my pen as a mic, 

I began screaming as I heard another voice slip between my awful singing and the radio, Fritz stood looking towards me with concern causing me to turn the radio's volume down with embarrassment, I coughed awkwardly. 

"Heeey, Fritz! — what's uhm… What's up? Do you need something?—" I proceeded to ask the young adult before me with a crooked smile, my forehead beading with sweat as I continued to act normal by sitting in a straight posture, Fritz chuckled nervously. 

"Yeah uhm… I just wanted to ask you something.. IF YOU HAVE TIME— of course.. " The younger brunette before me smiled with tilted brows, I then hummed before answering. "Sure why not, it's not like I was doing anything important" I replied chuckling as I then saw Fritz glance towards the radio beside me with suspicion before switching back to me with a small smile. He faintly huffed, 

"It's about.. Dave"

"P—pardon? I mean— sure! You can ask anything. Though…  What about him?.." I genuinely asked as I moved from my seat, fixing my posture as Fritz began leaning from in front of the desk and tapping the wooden surface with him lightly dumming his fingertips. 

"Jeremy said about you and him dating… and I wanted to ask, what was he? I mean, what was he like?" Fritz asked as he glanced my way, his eyes swimming with curiosity as I then stared back with hesitance before sighing. 

I hummed, 
"What was Dave…...Well.." I then chuckled, "Dave was annoying. He was self-centred and most of all, very complicated. The first thing you know, he'd be busy fixing the animatronics, then the next thing he'll be all up in your business trying to gain your attention by flirting with you. He was somewhat charming, in a way. But he was also creepy. He was a hyper golden retriever and also seriously intimidating cat at times. 

Dave wasn't the best coworker but he also wasn't the worst. He and Phil became good friends and now that he's gone… we're just left wondering.. Sometimes I miss him, and sometimes I don't. But I'm still waiting for him.. Kinda. He's a leech to me, and honestly… I don't think I'll be able to live another day with him by my side. He gets punchable" 

I began monologuing as I sat with a crooked smile and heavy heart. Now fidgeting with the golden necklace around my neck as I continued to glance downwards tiredly, Fritz stood silent. 

"That Dave guys sure made an impact.. Huh?..." The brunette before me exclaimed with a small grin as he proceeded to stare at me with empathy, I faintly huffed from his words, amusingly. 

"You could say that" I laughed, "though… I've always thought of him as a different person deep down. Like… like I've met him before. Like he isn't what he seems. I'm sure of it, but I could also be wrong. I've had my suspicions but they all could just be false accusations, anyway… Why did you ask about him?" I proceeded to move from my story towards Fritz, who was now facing me with a nervous expression. His pupils minimised in shock before slightly mumbling soon after before finally replying.