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"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!"
Muffled voices screamed as I laid still, my eyes heavy as I began to stir awake causing my lids to open, "wh.." I muttered under my breath before opening my eyes and sitting up, that was when a very painful headache to occured, I winced

"Oh thank God you're awake!... You were knocked out in the halls and thankfully William had found you… we're currently searching for the kids as well… we thought that maybe they were with you since you were so close with them… Y/n, do you happen to know where they are?, if you saw them of course.. "

Henry spoke worriedly as he sat near the table I was on. I was about to answer, but my memory was blurry.. All I remember was getting chased and hearing screams when suddenly the thought finally came in mind, "THE KIDS! THE—  AUGH!!" I hissed as another strike of pain hit my skull, throbbing at the same time as Henry then went out to grab some ice

"Just rest up, you just woke up so don't force your brain to think. Ugh, Christ. What were you doing passed out in the damn halls anyway?! Youre as heavy as a focking boulder, I swear to God.. " William muttered as he glared at my figure, hissing insults before scooting in. 

"Don't worry about those damn brats, They're probably just playing hide and seek or something schewpid. and besides, it's getting late. They're most likely to come back and go home with that Slimy rat they call their father." William reassured rather irritatedly, his tone indicated hatred as his pupils rolled to the side in the process of saying the word "father" in his sentence, I slightly grumbled. 

"I… . I don't know, will… I heard screaming earlier and I'm worried… I saw them, will…I got chased and I don't know I'm still alive. I don't even know if it was true or just a figment of my messed up imagination, but I doubt it is. I'm scared, William… I don't know what to do.. All these kids are going missing and I'm afraid that maybe more will come. Especially since all of it happened in this damned restaurant.."

I spoke slowly, my head was facing downward as my mind began to race about future scenarios and earlier situations with finding out the truth, or was it the truth? I don't know, I have many things in mind and I can't really process what's happening around me when suddenly a cold item is placed on my forehead. 

"Sorry If I took too long… It took me a while to open the fridge's door— anyway, how are you feeling, y/n? Are you okay, does anything hurt? " Henry softly spoke towards me in question, his lips slightly curled to a grin as his brows knitted itself at the same time as he held an ice pack on my forehead, I then took it from him with a weak smile. 

"Yeah uhm.. I'm okay.. " I answered back as a wholesome beam of  a small grin drew itself on my mouth before fading away the second after I came looking back down on my hands and knuckles, I hummed. 

"Well, if anything happens just call me. I'll be back in a few minutes, boseman needs my assistance… don't be afraid to go home since it's already closing time. But if you want to stay for a while before the police arrive for questions and search then that would be great too. William?" Henry spoke warmly towards me before facing William who was currently picking his nostrils with his pinky finger, he raised a brow. 

"Mind staying with y/n for a while? Or not— if you don't want to then—"

William answered before Henry could even finish his sentence, Henry hummed. "Well… Alright then, if anything happens just call for Phil, he's still around here somewhere. I'll see you guys later"
And with that mr. Emily left. 

"You know, you didn't have to stay" I spoke as I faced him, turning my body to face William as I began to slowly sway my feet back and forth as my eyes darted at his relaxed features, he shrugged. "It's getting quite boring if you ask me, this whole search is making me tired very easily so it's better if I just stay here with you. And plus, you're not as annoying as you were the first time I met you, quite more bearable, actually. And no, it's not a compliment so don't take it at heart"