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May 17th 1984

6:45 am.. 

6 am, this shit place finally has working air conditioning- still even with the cold air whispering around I could still smell the stench of williams awful greasy hair- even worse the smell kept getting stronger the colder it got! Does he even wash his hair…Jesus.. 

Speaking of him.. 
After that night's incident with him losing gas, he finally got his car back. but still walked his way to work and with that I had to pick him up even halfway through his walk. I'm so kind I know- but even with these generous actions I still despise the man for being a complete asshole. Anyway, 

We were all doing our jobs like usual. I helped Phil decorate the diner while Vincent was knocked out sleeping behind a table and finally the two engineers were working on the three main animatronics on stage. everyone was quiet with their work then Boseman walks in, 

"Henry! How are things going up there? You fixed the problem with that Chica's arm yet?" The Irish man spoke in an upbeat tone as he walked in, Henry grinned. 

"I'm working on it, mr. Boseman! It's being a bit stubborn.. You're here awfully early sir—have you come to help set out the party floor?" Mr. Emily assumed as his face brightened up delightedly as William crossed his arms and glanced away, Boseman replied. 

"Well, I can't, unfortunately—I have a meeting I need to attend in about half an hour—" the ginger spoke with a weak smile before continuing his words with a more sincere one as he looked at the entrance of the diner, "bu—ut, I have brought some extra hands to help out!"

And with those words a three grouped redheads came walking in, and as soon as they did I noticed how Williams expression turned from a relax one to a more shocked state before making his way up front and beside Henry where he stood looking offended at their mere presence—

"I don't believe I've introduced you to my kids yet" Boseman chuckled as he made way, just enough for the kids to be exposed and presented at sight. I didn't really bother to come near so I just stood from my spot and Spectated from afar, Philip then joined beside me, curious as to what was happening. 

"Gabriel, my oldest. Cassidy, my daughter. And my youngest jere-"
"DAAA—A, I told you already, it's Jerry… " the littlest one corrected his father before the man could even continue introducing the three of them, he chuckled. 

Each child had a distinct style as I noticed, one looked like a traditional Irish rock star, one looked like a sweet baby boy that bites and one looked like that one girl from Finding Nemo- not judging, I'm just stating what came in mind —

"Hello, it's wonderful to meet you all! My name's Henry!" Emily spoke as he lifted this hand for Gabriel to grab and shake, but instead he stayed silently glaring towards the poor man. 

"Ah, don't mind them. they're just a bit sour that I pulled them out of bed earlier than usual…" Boseman chuckled amusingly as the three of them stood judging from behind, well.. All of them except Jerry, who was currently picking his nose as he gripped on his lollipop. 

"Behave yourselves you little devils. I'll be back to pick you up later" Boseman spoke as he hugged all his children at once, grinning as he embraced them for a few seconds causing Jerry's lollipop to stick to his hair but he didn't seem to notice it. "I'm hoping for a good report from you, Henry!" The 6ft Irish man announced before finally stepping out of the restaurant with a smile. 

Not a second later chaos broke out. 
Jerry was quick to mess around with the decorations by jumping on the tables, biting the balloons and many more. "Jesus Christ.." I muttered as I watched the madness unfold, I sighed heavily and irritatingly for I really didn't wanna place the decorations back in their proper places once again, so I just stood there not wanting to move. 

Phil was screaming and panicking as he tried to chase the little midget around, Henry was somewhat calm about the situation though, unlike William whose eye was twitching from watching the little brat mess everything up in a matter of seconds, he groaned. 

"What, are you lots going to just sit there?" William spoke sternly at the two children who were currently sitting in peace. "Don't fuck with me, you greasy Brit" Cassidy spat out causing me to snort out of a amusement before walking away and returning to my duties. 

Minutes later.. 

As I was cleaning the mess up and flipping the tables around, I heard a loud crash of glass behind the employees only door. I looked around for Phil and was about to ask to check it out for me, but he was currently crying on the floor so I took the liberty to check it out myself and left my spot. 

I opened the door and entered, as soon as I did the sounds of cracking and panting were heard clearly. More glass was broken as I was quick to turn from corner to corner, trying to find the source of the sounds until I finally found it. 

"William?! " I shouted as Aftons back was turned my way, he was holding a glass shard and the vending machine beside him was currently fucked up and on the ground, he was panting heavily as well so I was quick to move towards him and pull his body to face mine. 

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!" I asked worriedly as I faced him, his head was bleeding and so was his right palm so I took his skull and inspected it closely like a very worried mother would do to her injured child. "What happened here? Why is the vending machine broken?! Do you even know what Henry would think if—"  then I saw it, 

On the floor there was a hand, a hand with stuffing and Before I could even continue my words about the situation, my mouth was covered by his hand, his bleeding hand in fact so as soon as I felt the moisture I pushed him back and wiping my lips. But instead of leaving me alone he pushed me against a wall and aggressively cupped my lips once more as he stared his silver blue eyes in mine with a very intimidating look. 

"You will not speak of this to anyone, or you WILL experience consequences. Got it ,doll?." 

William hissed, his hand pushing even further causing my teeth to push back the inside of my lips painful before nodding. Not a second later Henry came running in, a worried expression being present as he quickly made his way causing William to drop his act and move away from my body. 

"What happened?! You guys left the main area without a word! Jesus, Will, are you alright?!" Henry shouted as he faced William worriedly, William scoffed. "Yeah the… Vending machine fell on me and… I couldn't get out of it.. Right y/n?." William exclaimed before staring coldly at my direction, I stayed silent. 

"Yeah.. " I muttered under my breath, causing Henry to sigh heavily. "I'm so sorry that happened…y/n, Thank you for helping William…I don't know what would happen if you didn't come to save him.. I'll have Phil clean this up for you, go ahead and return to the main stage area'' Henry spoke as he weakly smiled towards me before grabbing hold of William, but his touch was merely shoved away by the British man. "I'm fine, I can walk. " 

And with that, both males left without a single word, and as they did William gave me a final side glance, glaring right at me, motioning his hand into a zipping motion infront of his lips before opening the metal door and walking out. 

I looked at the slim black and white hand below, curious as to what it is, I picked it up…. "What happened… "

Word count: 1370 words