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July 29th 1984
8:43 a.m.

We were currently in the hospital after the incident and fortunately William was still alive, God knows how but it's a good thing that he survived such impact... that shit was morbid and soon after the situation was taken part henry was forced to forbid his future AND current employees from getting into more serious injuries like these by creating a rule, which was about not letting people use the animatronic suits even when the robots are unavailable for use. Understandable.

Me, Boseman, and his children were currently waiting outside patiently. Everyone was dressed nicely as we all stood silently, including me. For some apparent reason, both Cassidy and Gabriel looked irritated and pissed rather than guilty and ashamed, unlike Jerry who was currently trying his hardest not to weep as he gripped on the string of his purple balloon. Boseman sighed.

"I can't believe I let this happen.. I shouldn't have let William use the suit, now he's barely even breathing" Boseman muttered low as he fiddled with the pockets of his jacket and furrowed his brows, disappointed at himself before looking at the front door of Williams room,

"Sir, it's not your fault. You only wanted the best for the restaurant, and it's not like you knew what was gonna happen anyway. So don't blame yourself, it's nobody's fault." I spoke softly while also smiling as I faced the tall man beside me, causing him to slowly smile back when suddenly Philip finally came all dressed up in a suit while holding white flowers in a Bouquet, he was crying. "Sorry I'm late, mr. Boseman.. "

"Philip.. Why are you dressed like that?" Boseman questioned as both of us looked at the crying Filipino man, he sniffed. "Huh? Well uh, I only saw it as respectfully to... to dress like this after such a loss... "

A loss?... Did he think that William died? Well, I can't really blame him.. The incident happened too fast and I'm pretty sure that he was gonna die if the ambulance didn't come any sooner, well at least that didn't happen.

"Philip...you.. He. .. .He isn't dead. You know that right?.." Boseman remarked toward the crying male, causing Phil to sniff his nose as he looked back confused. "He.. He isn't? But-"

A sudden slam was made from the door and running out was a little boy with brown hair and was wearing a black sweater with white stripes. He kinda looks like William but I couldn't really tell since the majority of his face was covered from his bangs, he was crying as he ran out.

We all then entered the room.
"Hey, Afton. Wasn't that your kid?" Mr. Boseman asked as we all walked in. As we did, I noticed how William was currently lying on his back. His nose and mouth were running with blood as his whole body was bandaged up with casts from his neck to toe. I frowned at the sight.

Sure he was an asshole to me but he was also my co-worker, and most importantly he was slowly getting more and more comfortable with me so I felt really bad when seeing his current state, and he knew that I did so we made eye contact.

I stayed staring at him for a few seconds with empathy, my stomach was curling in its place as I continued to feel more and more uncomfortable at my "friend's" current situation, thus causing me to look away and focusing on Henry instead.

"We're very sorry, Mr Afton.." Both Cassidy and Gabriel spoke, refusing to make eye contact to the man as they apologised. Jerry inhaled deeply, "we're very very sorry mr. Purple guy.. SNIFF... I didn't mean to get you hurt, I really am sorry... I-I hope you're Okay..."

Jeremy choked out through his tears, but William didn't seemed to be phased with their apologies as he laid there silently.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I've got your reports ready. '' Doctor NOT dawko spoke as he came in with a clipboard in hand, Henry perked up from his seat. "Let's hear them, doc. "