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Chapter 20
March 23rd, 1987
7:30 a.m

It's been Two weeks ever since Dave hadn't come back, and today was the day that his new replacement comes in. 

Each day after the announcement that Phil had spoken to us about Daves sudden departure, I felt more and more less interested in doing my job. But I tried my best not to seem like I am, Phil doesn't seem to buy my gimmicks. 

He understands the loss, it was so sudden and I could tell that he was hurting himself.  But, he still had to run a restaurant so even with the burden of losing a close coworker, he still kept himself up for the business. And I tried to come along the path to continuation. 

'Everything is fine. Stop acting like the world is falling apart'

But it is. 
MY world is falling apart. 
It feels as if I'm missing something when he's not around. He always radiated a beam of sunshine when he was close to me, somehow keeping me entertained despite his distasteful ego and annoyingness. But I guess that's what made him so special. 

I miss him, everyday it's just not the same anymore. At times like these I wished I hadn't met him, I wished that he didn't exist. But deep down I also wanted him to stay. I guess it's a guilty pleasure of mine.

"Hey y/n! Meet the new guy!" 
Jeremy announced in an upbeat tone as he proceeded to March my way with the new employee, causing me to look up from my desk and towards the new face in Freddy's with a curious expression. "Meet Fritz smith! He just got here a few minutes ago! Hey fritz, this is y/n l/n, assistant manager. And ALSO my second best friend"

"Hi. nice to meet you, miss"
Fritz spoke rather nervously as he faced me with tilted brows and a crooked smile. Hand stretched and open for me to take in which I soon took before shaking it with a small grin. "Hello, Fritz. I hope you have a good time here at Freddy's, and be sure to let me know if you need anything and I'll do my best to fulfil your request. Oh! And when you leave… Please do tell us before we get emotionally attached to you… Thanks"

" huh?... "
Fritz looked confused. His teeth slightly gritted as he faced me with a questioning look, causing Jeremy to chuckle lightly before leaning in to explain. "She and Dave had something goin' on… you could say she's devastated after he left.. " Jeremy exclaimed as he whispered towards Fritz who merely nodded at his remark, I sighed. 

"Yeah uhm… Sorry about that.. Just in case, ya know? Anyway… We should really get to work. it was nice meeting you, Fritz"

"You too, miss"
I chuckled, 
"Please, call me y/n"

Time skip to a few weeks prior. 

The new guy was great. He and Jeremy seem to be getting along just fine. Heck, even better than he and Dave ever did. Joan seemed to like him too, and honestly there isn't anything wrong with him and I'm more than happy to see him finally getting used to the restaurant and its workers. 

The only things that are actually odd about him is how he looked… don't get me wrong, he's a cute kid but to me he kinda looked… familiar. He looked as if I had met him before, but not in a personal way. He kinda looked like Dave as well but that could just be my brain tripping on itself.. 

Either way he looked rather familiar, and I'm convinced that he did. Though he didn't seem to recognize me or even approach me about speaking that involved our formalities from past encounters. But then again, Fritz is a shy kid and I can understand the pressure of reconnecting with past acquaintances. 

A lot of things have happened in the past few weeks. This particular birthday party however was very… memorable. But not entirely to the point where it's something you can mention with an excited manner. It was actually… frustrating. The birthday boy was a snob and a brat, his friends were the same as well. One even bit my leg and at the time I was on the verge of kicking them into the moon with no shame, however I persisted and tried to come up with a solution.