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Chapter 21
3:46 a.m.

I felt uncomfortable, I laid on my side as I continued to shut my eyes tight. I don't know what time it is, but now I'm awake. 

I now groaned slightly as I then decided to turn my body on the other side to face my partner who for some reason.. Wasn't there anymore. "Dave?.. " I muttered as I stood from my last position, humming disappointingly before hearing noises from downstairs. I was quick to put a shirt on and open the door. 

"Dave?" I continued to call out for attention but there was no response. I was getting scared, what he if left again. What if he changed his mind… I wouldn't know what to do and the only other thing that would actually fill my mind is just him and him only, I'm just gonna hope that he hadn't left. 

I continued to walk on the empty halls of my second floor, walking down the stairs as I proceeded to call out with a raspy tone. Soon stopping when I saw a faint glow of purple in my kitchen area, "what… " curious, I was quick to slip my way towards the spot, only to see Dave holding a jar that was filled with a glowing substance. 

"I don't know if I should stay here… should I tell y/n?...I need her to take this but I don't know how to make her do it without being suspicious.. God, why do things have to be so damn difficult." Dave muttered in a different accent other than Southern. His brows knitted in focus as he held the jar with care. Mind filled with deep thoughts as he continued to rotate the jar at hand, with his left hand gripping on his chin as he lightly hummed while doing so. 

'What the fuck is happening here.. What does he mean? Why does he want for me to take it— and why the fuck is he British… wait.. ' I began to realise. Dave wasn't Dave, he always wasn't. The first time I met him, I knew he looked familiar. The way his face was structured as well as his movements, Dave wasn't Dave… he was someone else… 

But is he really?... Am I just over analysing it? Maybe I am… But I'm sure that I'm not, everything makes sense but at the same time it doesn't. Should I confront him? No. No, it will just move him away from me. He's right here in my house, and I don't want him anywhere else other than beside me and in the inside of my home.. I don't want him to leave, not again. 

'Not a word.'
I silently thought. 

So what if he's someone else? So what if he's British? So what if he's pretending to be someone that tricked the majority, he's still mine… and I'll love him through all of it. I don't care what other people think, I love him,and he loves me. And besides,It's not hurting anyone. right?.. 

So I decided to leave. 
I didn't want to take part in any of his business and thoughts. All I want right now is for him to stay and that's that.

'please… Don't leave me. 
You're all I have..'

I was now making my way back to my room in silence, footsteps low as I tried to hurry as well as being as quiet as possible. And luckily enough, there were no creaks, no squeaks, no nothing, so I just laid there silently. Shirtless and cold as I cuddled my pillow in place, still wide awake though. 

Minutes passed as I laid, I heard footsteps come my way. I was already shutting my eyes so the only thing I could do to possibly take attention of my surroundings is by listening and feeling. 

As I pretended to be asleep I saw my vision darkening through my closed lids. He was in front of me. 

After a few seconds of standing I felt Dave's finger caress my cheek, scooping the excess strands of hair away from my face in the process before staring right at my relaxed features. I was so tempted to say something, to look back at him and stare back with a smile but I couldn't.. I didn't want to risk it.