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After a long 10 seconds of standing, William groaned and began walking away with Vincent following from behind. Me, not wanting to be fired or even threatened by this little midget of a man, I decided to follow from behind like the good co-worker that I am. 

"Vincent, you know the plan don't you?" Mr. Afton began, "you play the role of a dedicated worker, and you get the money to pay off your bloody bus upgrade." With those words Vincent felt touched, the purple man began to smile towards his brother, chuckling soon after before responding in a playful tone. 

"I knew you cared about me, little bro~" the taller man cooed towards his twin before being struck back with an angry expression from William. "You bloody idiot, you focking listen to me. you just do your little job around here, and I will do the rest, you hear?!!" 

No words from Vincent were given, but a mere attempt of an embrace in which William avoided by shoving his playful brother's face afar, I snickered. "You two sure have a dynamic.. " I spoke in a low tone which caused both brothers to look at me with different reactions, 

"Aww thank you, miss! Hey you haven't told me your name by the way" Vincent smiled innocently towards me causing me to chuckle before returning the gesture of smiling back. "my-" "Her name is none of your business." William Scoffed irritated me, making me feel irritated myself from his sudden interruption. 

"Why?" Vincent laughed. 
"You scared I might scoop your little girlfriend off her feet?~"

Both me and William shouted in unison, both our cheeks layered in red hue from embarrassment, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case for William. 

"YOU THINK I'M DATING THIS MERE DONKEY?! UNBELIEVABLE. " William was fuming- his ears were as red as a beet and so was his cheeks but he was more than ready to BEAT the shit out of Vincent. speaking of him, he chuckled. And that was Williams last straw before chasing the purple man around the pizzeria whilst swearing rapidly in an aggressive tone.

I stayed put, silently watching as my cheeks continued to heat up the more I thought about it..but then again, that bitch called me a donkey so that was a fucking turn off-

"VINCENT YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, YOU ##### #### #### BLOODY #### #### ####### STUPID ##### #### ###### ### ########!!!!!!!" 


"Hey, I got our name tags!" 
Vincent announced as we were all currently occupied in doing our jobs. Phil stacking the plastic cups as I swept the floor while both Henry and William were busy with the animatronics on stage, Phil smiled. 

"Ah, uh, thanks!" Philip beamed as Vincent gave out our assigned name tags. "Thanks Vincent" I smiled towards the purple guy in which he soon smiled back in response. 

"Uh.. " Phil started as he glanced at the golden name tag In hand, he furrowed his brows. "Uh Mr Vincent? This tag says 'Baby'? "

"Isn't that your name, Baby?" Vincent remarked back with a grin before Boseman decided to slide in with the conversation, "doesn't matter, these tags cost me a pretty penny. They're made out of solid gold you see?" 

Real gold? Why bother-

Phil looked rather.. Uncomfortable after that, his face screamed out "help me" as he unwantedly pinned the name tag on his chest before looking away shamefully. I held on his shoulder and that itself made him jump before whipping his head towards my direction, I smiled. 

"Don't wrap your mind around the name tag too much, even if it was clear for the world to see we'll still call you by your name either way… so don't worry about it, alright?" I stated as I grinned down on Phil, and when I did his frown was soon replaced by a weak grin with his cheeks lightly dusted with a cherry hue, he chuckled.