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TW: Mentioned animal death. 

Several weeks have passed, and it's currently 6 in the morning. I'm still tired and worst of all, I didn't get my coffee. I know I should instead ask Henry or anybody to buy me a cup but I was too busy on my thoughts and sweeping this damn floor until I was reminded of something that came out of the blue. 

"Fuck… I forgot to lock my house… " I groaned irritatedly at myself before setting the broom to the side and walking towards Henry who was currently busy repairing Fredbears arm. 

"Hey Henry?.. " I spoke lazily as I faced the man, he glanced at me. "Need anything?" The blonde smiled as the question slid out of his mouth, but soon faded into a frown as soon as he saw my exhausted expression. 

"Oh dear, uh… you okay, y/n?.."
"Yeah, I'm just uh… I just need permission to go out for a bit. I forgot to lock my door and I'm afraid that that shit hole might get robbed, You know?" I chuckled weakly soon after, almost yawning in the process but I held it in.. I might just stop by to get some coffee too while I'm locking my house, it's only reasonable to. 

Henry hummed, 
"Of course you can! But, I might have to let William Drive you there. I don't think you're awake enough to even see the road, did you even get enough sleep?"

"Of course I had! I just didn't have my coffee earlier when I should have, I was kind of in a hurry" I smiled towards the man, lying about my sleeping schedule at hand, only making him look at me suspiciously before sighing. 

"Fine.. But drive slowly, I can't risk a fellow coworker getting injured, stay safe alright?" Henry smiled as a final before waving off with me doing the same and walking out of the diner and into my car where I started the ignition and drove away. 

My house was far, but not too far that I couldn't walk to. But I wanted my trip back and forth to be fast so I decided to speed up a little. 

My eyes slightly hooded, insisted that I should sleep, but of course, I couldn't. I was still on the road and the only thing I see right now are the things in front of my vision. not the asphalt, not the trees and buildings around, just… straight ahead. 

I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings and my eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the minute so I slowly shut them down when a sudden impact of my car was made, my eyes flew open. 

I was quick to stop my vehicle and look back, and there it was…

A dead dog. 

"Fuck fuck fuck!!!... " I muttered anxiously as I saw a little girl run towards the bloodied mammal, for a split second we both made eye contact and I began to panic and rush out of the scene. 

I'M NOT- I- oh god I'm fucked… I'm fucked up. Why did I drive away like that?! Just- Jesus Christ I don't know what to do… sigh.. 


As soon as I locked the door I didn't even bother to get coffee so I just drove off back to the pizzeria. I really couldn't get my mind off of what happened and as soon as I passed the dead animal, I felt yet another pit of shame being driven in my stomach.. God I'm an awful person.. 

When parking in front of the restaurant, my body refused to move out. It took me a whole minute to even get my body out of the car before seeing the front of my vehicle being covered in red dripping blood, my face began to scrunch up bitterly as I continued to inspect. 


A high pitched voice screamed as the restaurant doors opened, my eyes widened at the familiar sight.