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Chapter seventeen

The rest of the event as fun, and basically through out the convention Dave was practically abused— he experienced high pressure of air and went flying on that one beach activity, was the first one to taste the mud at tug of war, got hit on the face by a volleyball and experienced bad sunburn at his back, which by way was slapped harshly by Phil as a reassuring Pat—

At the end of the day everyone was happy, but there were still 6 days left until our time was up in this little vacation. So we spent every hour of every day with laughter and joy

… and fighting, arguing and attempted strangling by Dave who by the way, also almost drowned a fellow himbo who tried getting his way with me in the ocean. 

Though, even after his reckless behaviour, we were lucky enough to still keep our jobs and a spot in one of the small huts. It's truly a miracle, really. 

Fast forward to December 25th and now we were currently having a little Christmas party at work! 10:32 a.m and I was still getting ready for it. I had my gifts, My fair share of food,  and the only thing I needed to do was get dressed and head out. 

It was snowing hard so I decided to wear a long sleeved T-shirt on top with a comfortable sweater, and also semi-thick pants as well as furry boots to keep my feet warm on the way. Well.. It wasn't like I was gonna walk there but it's better to be safe than sorry. 

10:45 a.m and I was more than ready to go. I quickly fetched my keys, necessities and locked the door on my way out before climbing in my car and stepping on it. 

On my drive to my work place, I willingly turned on my car's radio for music, and sure enough Christmas music started playing. more specifically, Dear santa by the weather girls. "Bring me a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN THIS CHRISTMAS! I NEED A—" 

and as if my unwanted wish of singing came true, I saw Dave walking on the sidewalk. His clothes were as normal as any other thing he wears to work everyday, the same old purple aesthetic with the golden jumpers… does this bitch even have any other clothes?... Should've bought this motherfucker new outfits instead. 

"This is not what I meant when I said bring me a man." I muttered disappointedly before spreading up and honking my horn towards him, gaining the blondes attention, he perked up. 

"Aye! Do you need a lift? You look like you're freezing out here. Not that I don't want you to die in the cold, it's because I don't want you to die in the cold." I spoke announcingly after rolling my car window downwards causing Dave to grin widely, slightly becoming confused at my next given statement before shrugging and slowly making his way into the passenger seat. 

"Thanks 'hun! I didn't think you'd actually pick me up… For a second there I thought ya were gon' to pass me!" Dave chuckled humorously as he leaned back on his seat, smirking in place as he placed his arm on the window with his cheek sitting on his palm, I hummed. 

"You know what, yeah. I think it was better if I just let you rot your way into the pizzeria. Go on, get out" I jested sarcastically as I faced Dave with a closed mouth smile that looked TOO passive aggressive, causing the Man to shut up and look away, I huffed through my nostrils soon after seeing his initial reaction. 

"I was just joking, dave. I'm not that heartless" I then chuckled, shutting the radio soon after then driving off into Freddy's in silence. well, that was until Dave decided to help the awkward atmosphere by creating small talk

"So ehm… What did ya get for the crew?" Dave asked as he eyed me down with his head still facing the front of the car, I lightly snickered. "I would tell you, but that would ruin the surprise now would it? "