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Chapter nineteen
February 26th, 1987
6:20 a.m.

Early in the morning and I'm here sitting outside of the locked animatronic diner which is known as Freddy fazbears. It's past 6:05 and I'm starting to get worried, "Phil should be here by now.."

He's never late and I'm starting to get impatient. And the worst part is that, only he has the key to opening the restaurant.. Today was snowing too and I'm scared that he might be sick, but then again he would've told me and I wouldn't be here waiting for his arrival. 

While waiting in my car, I noticed another vehicle coming this way. It was a blue truck so I was sure that it wasn't Phil, I sighed. "Even Jeremy is earlier than him.." I muttered disappointingly as I then saw the young adult step out of his vehicle and yawned, "huh?.. " The golden boy hummed in question before leaning his figure and pressing his face onto the glass door, seeing nothing but a tumbleweed, he smirked. 

"Sweet. 15 minute rule." 
The little menace snickered before turning away and marching back to his small truck with a stretching grin. "Where do you think you're going?" 

I began to ask as I stood leaning on the door of his truck with crossed arms, he bolted in surprise. "O-oh!.. Hey, y/n! I was just gonna grab something in my car…" Fitzgerald spat excuses as he stared at me with a crooked grin and tilted brows, I sighed. 

"Jeremy, I know what you're trying to do. And no, you're not leaving until I get contact from Phil that he's not coming."

"Oh come on y/n!... I accidentally came in late and now it's 15 minutes past opening. How have you ever heard of the 15 minute rule?!"

Jeremy claimed as he looked at me with pleading eyes, I groaned. "Yes, Jeremy. I wasn't born yesterday, and no. I'm not letting you go just yet, at least let me call phil." He huffed. 

After my statement i was soon to take out my phone from my purse and began dialing phils number, he isn't answering. "Huh… it's been the fifth time since he hasn't answered.. " I muttered worriedly as I gripped on my phone tightly, Jeremy smiled. 

"The boss is probably still in bed, you should take this as a little break! The universe is finally giving you what you want in a day, and that's no labor! Hey, y/n. It can be fun. Let's just go home and do what we always want, I'm sure phils will be fine" Jeremy smiled as he faced me reassuringly. Both his arms propped on his hips as he grinned towards me causing me to sigh with furrowed brows, facing the beeping communicator at hand before it finally went silent. 

"Okay.. A break doesn't sound so bad" I exclaimed back as a small grin began stretching itself from my lips, causing the younger coworker to grin sharply before patting my back. "Good! Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to go. Have a good day, y/n! Hope to see you soon"

"Yeah, you too Jeremy"

And off he drove. I sighed. 
'Phil is fine. He's fine, Jeremy is right. No need to be so worried, just go home, y/n'
I silently thought to myself as I then entered my car, staying put for a couple of seconds thinking before finally turning on the ignition and driving off to my home where the trip was dull and silent. 

"I miss Dave.. "
I can't believe I just muttered that.

Just because you're not working with him for today doesn't mean you won't be seeing him around town. I'm sure you'll be seeing his god awful face somewhere around, it's not like he's leaving or whatever.