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Chapter 18
Warning : suggestive themes (not entirely nsfw though) 

After our little Christmas party, we all went home. I gave Dave his new piercing, and he seemed to like it! He insisted on taking me back home but I doubt he could even come back to his house without freezing to death with this current weather, especially with clothes like that. 

So instead of taking me home I decided to take HIM home, but he seemed to persist with that idea so I just let him join me in my car before finally driving off to my place. Of course, I wasn't just gonna let a hobo Texan get killed by the scorching winds of freezing snow in Utah, so I had the plan of handing the man one of my jackets until he gave it back when our small break ends. Or just call a taxi for him, either way works. 

6:45 p.m and we were already halfway through the streets and onto the address of my home. The ride there wasn't as silent as I wanted it to be but it was expected since I was with Dave. He was currently fiddling with the piercing I gave him, holding the box that came with it as a smile was stretched upon his lips before chuckling raspily. 

"funny how both the accessories we got each other are gold, you could say we're matchin'"

"Hm, I'd like to think that, but then again most people wear gold accessories as well. So I wouldn't really say we're MATCHING, but if you want to continue with that thought then why not" I replied with a grin as my eyes were stuck to the road beneath my vehicle, Dave then hummed after thinking about, shrugging soon after before placing his gift back onto its original casing. 

Soon after that conversation, the view of my home got closer and closer until eventually parking my car onto the driveway and exiting with Dave following suit. "So." I started as I stood in front of my porch, searching through my pockets before holding the keys to the entrance of my house and continuing. "You wanna come in?"

I asked as a small smile formed my glossed lips, side eyeing Dave who was currently standing beside me with his hands buried into his pockets, and his pinky fingers popping out as well. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders, "sure why not, princess" the blonde teasingly nicknamed me before lightly snickering, causing me to roll my eyes amusingly before walking on my door and opening it with the key I held. 

"So what do you want? Coffee? Tea? Water? Or—"

Miller spoke as he formed his signature smirk and lip bite, earning a side glance from me before finally turning my heels to face him with crossed arms. "Sorry, but that's not available on the menu" I answered as a small grin was forced upon my lips, Dave then sighed dramatically at my response before smirking once more. 

"Then make it available."

The tall blonde spoke, almost demanding towards me as he faced my figure with slightly hooded lids and tightly shut lips that was currently formed into a lifted smirk, my cheeks then flushed red before looking away, chuckling soon after. 

"Thank you for the suggestion, Mr. Miller. But unfortunately, that just won't suffice. " I remarked back as my cheeks continued to heat up, Facing the opposite direction as I continued to take my jacket off and throw them onto the couch, where Dave sat before making his way towards me and slowly wrapping his hands around my waist, holding onto my figure ever so gently causing me to flinch at his touch. 

I timidly gasped out as he continued to explore his arms on my sides, burying his sharp nose on the crook of my neck causing me to slightly shiver in place, blushing madly as continued to brush his fingers and arm around me. "You smell nice.. " Dave whispered as he proceeded to push against me and rub his nose on my neck even more, feeling the smile on his face stretch even further in the process of cuddling my back, humming slightly.