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Dave POV ~

October 26th, 2013



Man, I love this girl. Why does she have to be so damn FINE at 17? This is wrong like How? I see her mom and I understand that the beauty comes from her but I don't know. She is such a free spirit. It's like she's a bird of some sort but she lives her life according to nobody. I think that is what mainly attracted me to her as her best friend and her man. I can just picture little black, barbados and creole babies running around having fun with us. But no time soon. Thank god we know how to protect ourselves when it's that time cause we both are virgins and plan to wait till we're ready for that step. For now we just please each other. We have so much in common that we didn't even know until we have late night talks and check-ins.

" Mama Malik is facetime you" I said with my phone in my hand. We're getting dressed right now for our 3rd shoot but this is going in our video too.

"Answer bae i'm trying to zip this skirt." She said, annoyed. Oh shit.

"Yoooo what's good brother in Law." He laughed

"Wasssupp lil bro, on a serious note though tell Meg to come to the phone I got to tell y'all something." I said ok and called her over, gave her the phone and helped zip her skirt. She had all that oil on her hand. I see why she is mad.

"So I got us a AirBNB for the weekend. The only thing is it's in the hills and better than staying in a hotel and no paparazzi. Megan when I see you we got to have a serious surprise talk. You will love it." He smiled the whole time.

"Ok thanks Malik that will be so much better and I can't wait." She said

"Right thanks bro that is so much better let me know how much I got to pay you back." I said

"D your family it's already paid for and no need y'all welcome to get back to work." He said we laughed and said goodbyes and got back to work.


1:03 pm

"Ma put ya butt in some" I said as I carried her in the house. We just got home from celebrating our anniversary and Megan and Malik celebrated with them going on the red carpet together next weekend. I even get to go but I can't go on the red carpet with only him and her. I'll be in the back or inside already seated because there are only two people on the carpet unless there's children of the honaries.

"I can't, it's too big." We stopped and laughed. "I am trying to make sure I don't hit ya ass on the wall walking in sideways." I said

"Let it happen" She was a little tipsy so was I but she was full and tired so I carried her.

We made it to the room safe. We went paintballing and arcades. Then dinner and movies in the park and we swam in the ocean. We have been up since 6 yesterday morning. After we did our shoot we went to work. We sat in meetings all day and helped move things around for office picture day today. Then we only had 2 hours to make our reservations when we drove 45 minutes to the hills. I know she's tired cause I am too.

"I love you" I said before I shut my eyes and kissed her lips.

"Goodnight my love" She said and kissed back.. We were out like a light.


11:30 am

"Stop before I mess it up" I laughed. I'm making a simple dish my grandmother made for breakfast anytime we ate at her house called Pudding and Souse. Megan keeps hugging up on me and making me mess up. 

"I can't I love seeing my man cook for me. This is foriegn to me. I'm always cooking for you and you're making me a foriegn dish. I'm done." She said, kissing my cheek and walking away.

Just then the soft sound of our favorite song played something in common by Bobby and Whitney played. When we did our photoshoot and video this was one of the songs that played often and we reenacted it in the video.

I walked up behind her when Bobby started singing and sang to her and danced with her. Soon as Whitney Houston's party came on i became putty because my baby can sang and she was sanging to me. Sound like a mixture of Whitney, Laurynn Hill, Mariah Carey, Beyonce and Monica all in one voice. Sounds so angelic. I love when she sings to me I fall in love all again. We had a whole concert in the kitchen until we heard laughing behind us.

"Take yall old asses on with that and D work on yo vibroto bruh it's like a cat dying." Malik said and his girlfriend laughed and Megan.

"You just hating bro dang you gone be a hater yo whole life." We all Laughed. " And ma why you laughing , you were flat on the one note." I said

"How Malik a hater and you doing the same, Hypocrite. Love you baby but you were flat and vibrato need to be tweaked. Now tell me what note I was flat on?" She rolled her eyes and chuckled.

Malik gave her a high five and I was silent the whole time. We ate breakfast and went on our walk and worked out. We went swimming and just chilled gaming the rest of the day. She played sims 4 on her computer and I played 2k on the playstation. This is a weekend for the books.




Short Chapter?

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