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Megan POV ~

July 19th, 2019



" Ah shit." I said looking down at my bloody sheets and my bruised body. I looked up at the ceiling and cried. I sniffed until I felt the bed shit a little and closed my eyes prying he wasn't her right now. I heard breathing and felt a lick to my face and thank god it was X my baby.

" Hey buddy do mommy a favor and go get my phone." I said scratching his head and he ran out the room. A few seconds later he ran back in with my cracked phone. I'm so happy it wasn't dead.

" I feel like a truck ran over me and I'm sore as hell. He decided to beat me and rape me. Please god tell me what I did to deserve this. I swear I tried to be a good person, a good mom, everything. WHY ME?" I screamed crying and X came and laid next to me whimpering. Aww my big baby. I started to pet him as I called an ambulance

" I need to charge my phone SHIT mmmmm." I said as I moved. I grabbed the pillar behind me attached to the bed. I scooted my body to the end.

" Buddy come give mommy the charger come on come on. I got ten minutes I need to open the door. X can't do it." I said as I plugged up my phone.

I pushed my body to the edge of the bed and as soon as my feet touched the floor I stood, I took one step then another and fell flat on my face. I started crying and dragging my body to the door. When I made it I unlocked the door and tried my best draggin my body back to my room. I reached in my draw and grabbed some shorts and a shirt. I was able to put my shirt on but when it came to my shorts I couldn't even lift my leg. There was a gash on my right leg and my ankle was swollen. I just sat on the wall and cried more. My back was in so much pain that when I raised my arms it felt so heavy and then it would go numb. My throat was so dry and sore. I don't even want to see myself. My vision was a little blurry but I could still see.

" Ma'am... It's the paramedics where are you, so we can assist you?" I heard and it was a ladies voice.

" Ten go get her boy" I whispered and he ran out and seconds later he and the paramedics came back in the room. I heard a bunch of gasp and X barked.

" Micheal, go get a stretcher, Get a camera in here too and take pictures of that bed NOW. Ma'am what's your name?" I heard and I turned to look at her.

" M- M Megan." I whispered

" Can you tell me what happened honey?" She said sweetly.

" Umm I don't remember it all, I just know I got in an argument with someone and we fought and I blacked out after we got to my room." I whispered short of breath. As she worked on me.

" James check the rooms to make sure no one is here like a child." She said,

" This is Brianna and that's James and Michel, I'm Regina. We're going to get you to the hospital. I can tell by this scene and your current position you can't move your lower region and I'm going to just wrap a sheet around your body. Keep your eyes on me baby girl. I'm right here. I got you, you're going to be fine. Is there anything you want us to get and your neighbor is here?" Regina said as I tried to keep up with my breathing.

" Megan it's me Ms. Michelle I can take babygirl and X while you go to the hospital. I can call Bey or someone else to let them know. Baby I know but it's time and you know what I mean." She said in my face, holding my head. Yes, my highschool teacher.

" Ok just call my Biological mom and La- La- La- Lay Lay is with her dad. T-t-t-t-thank you." I whispered

" Grab her phone and charger over on the charger and I can bring a change of clothes and anything else she needs to the hospital." Michelle said as Brianna and Micheal lifted me on the gurney.

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