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Megan POV ~

July 25th, 2019


Megan's Home

Today was the day I am seeing my dad since I was a kid. It's been so long that I don't have a relationship with him. I know he's proud of me just based on our talk over the phone of him telling me how he kept up with me. He knew all the facts of my life that I didn't expect him to know. He knew the aspects of what he thinks I had a baby. He is so ready to meer Malayah that he sent a picture threw email of the gifts her bought her. I don't how or where this stuff gon go but Imma make it happen. H enough so many clothes and shoes and toys it's not even funny.

" Megan, calm down. I know you're nervous cause I am" Destiny said, chuckling. I'm sitting on my couch half asleep and nervous. The kids kept me up on my ass last night when they were watching movies and playing all day all night. From cooking and supervising to cleaning and bathing the kids. I am worn out because I did this all by myself.

" I know it's just I'm tired and nervous because I haven't seen him in so long but I'm tired because these kids gave me a run for my money." I said and we laughed. The doorbell rang and the security got the door and I stood up with Lay. She's asleep right now and she won't let me go just to move my arm. If I move she whines. Just like when she was a baby. The doorbell rang and I felt like I was about to shit.

" Knight get the door, it's daddy." Destiny said and he got up and went to the door. In walked the man I haven't seen in years and I stood up still holding Lay walking towards him. Flashes of me when I was happy to see him as a child started to come to my mind and I couldn't help but hug him and cry. I vividly remember running to him and hugging him and he picks me up and turns around.

" I know baby girl. I feel the same." I heard him whisper and I felt tears on my shoulder. After a good 5 minutes of us hugging I felt a bite on my boob and screamed.

" Malayah Amira Pete why the hell you do that shit." I yelled because that shit hurt.

" Mommy they was just there and they squash me" She said looking sad.

" Lay you got your hands for a reason, tap me. I thought you were asleep. You know that side hurts mommy right now." I said

" Mommy I sorry, I just was uncomfortable and there big. But can I have some milk? Please?" Malayah said and we all laughed.

" Yeah Lay go get a cup and bring it he-" I said and was cut off by Nas.

" Come on baby girl let pop pop help you." He said picking her up and she hugged him smiling hard. That shocked me because she doesn't let anybody she doesn't know even look at her let alone pick her up.

" Awww girl you got me crying. How you feel?" Destiny said coming over, whipping her eyes and hugging me.

" Girl to be honest I'm speechless and I feel like a weight was lifted off me." I said and she and I chuckled.

" I feel that way too. It gave me a sense you felt like a little girl again and he looked so happy and relieved. I'm soooo happy we found each other and now I feel like I'm complete with my family. Who knew I had a little sister and a big brother. Where is he?" Destiny asked

" I'm right here." We heard and looked behind us and gasped. I walked back to my room to avoid him and when I got in my room I started to clean a little.

Me and Malik haven't been on talking terms in 2 years. He's married and a famous actor and basketball player. He has twin sons and they love me but they are not able to see me because of their dad. His wife hates me. She isn't the girl he dated while I was in high school, this is some chick he had a one night stand with and they had kids and chose to marry a few years or months later. His wife thinks I'm mean and stuck up. She's called me out my name, we've had fights physically. Even during a fight Malik held me back and tried to stop us from fighting and she just kept getting hits in until Demario came in and saved me. Malik and Demario hate each other now because of that situation. The boys like to call me on weekends and they hide it from their parents. I send them gifts and money anonymously and they love to get clothes from my line and I always send them to their oldest step sister. She's sixteen and she loves me. Her and her mom's relationship is rocky and her mom hates that she told her mom she wants to be like me.

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