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Megan POV ~

May 27th, 2014



Today's graduation!!! Finally I graduate today. Today should be a happy day but in all actuality it's not. I am happy and excited to graduate. My baby girl is 4 months and she is progressing so well. All she wants is her mommy and her auntie Normani. Me and Trell still talk but we decided to not further a relationship to not mess up our friendship on his end and mine was because of Dave. The day after prom I kept feeling like someone was following me. I've seen Dave in school but he looks like he hates me. He threatens me almost everyday and I feel so broken and dead. He threatens to kill Lay if I tell and I don't want that to happen so I've kept my mouth shut. Just last week I was coming out of the bathroom on the third floor and he pulled me into the teachers bathroom because I gave my guy friends hugs.


I was coming out of the girls bathroom when I felt a sting across my left cheek and my arm being pulled somewhere.

" WHAT THE FUCK YOU ST-" i was about to say but when I looked at the colprite I stoped.

" Nah, finish that shit. You stupid what?" Dave said and I got scared like I was about to shit on myself.

" I wasn't going to say anything, I promise." I said crying and scared

" So you think im stupid huh? You was bout to call me stupid and a bitch. Remember Megan I know you better then you know yourself. You my bitch. Now say what you was gon stupid bitch." He said in my face

I shook my head crying while his grip on my arm got stronger. I feel like he was piercing my arm.

" No No No" I said, crying and shaking.

He choked me and punched me three times.

" DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME YOU STUPID BITCH. YO YOU MAD DUMB RIGHT NOW. GETTIN ME TIGHT AND SHIT HUGGING BITCH ASS NIGGAS. YOU MY BITCH. QUIT ENTERTAINING OTHA NIGGA. IMMA FUCK YOU UP FOR REAL NEXT TIME. STOP FUCKING WITH MY NIGGAS LIKE THEM YO NIGGAS. GOT ME? DON'T PLAY WITH ME YOU KNOW ME AND I KNOW YOU. IMMA FUCK YOU UP IF YOU KEEP DISREPECTING ME AND SAY SOME SHIT BOUT THIS. NOW GET UP AND CLEAN YA FACE." He bent down and yelled in my face. I scrambled to get up and clean my face. Thank god it was only a busted lip and a nose bleed, but my face hurts. I'm scared but I'm pushing him by calling him out his name and being around other guys. This is all my fault because I know how he is. And I keep doing things to make him mad.

Flashback Over

That wasn't even the second or third time. More like the fourth or Fifth. I can barely keep up now because I just take it. Nobody notices the bruises because I cover them with makeup. The busted lip I blame that on tons of things. Falling up the stairs, Lay Lay hitting me, Burning my like, biting things that cut my lip... Tons of things and everyone believes me. I feel like I'm the one in the wrong but at the same time I'm not. But it's ok, I'll be fine. Hey, I'm not dead am I? Today I'm wearing this beautiful dress for graduation that matches Lay Lay. I hope we don't get into an argument because of what I'm wearing. We all decided to have dinner together and then go to the graduation party together. So our family rented out an entire restaurant to hold everyone in. Bey and Jay told me that my mom and dad are coming to graduation and dinner. I told Bey to not let either one of them hold my baby and she said she respects that. But the principal told me I could come on stage with her. So they're going to give me her a few minutes before walking on stage.


" MEGAN PETE!!!!! GOING TO THE ILLUSTRIOUS TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY DOUBLE MAJORING IN HUMAN BIOLOGY AND HEALTH SCIENCE AND MINORING IN PSYCHOLOGY." The principal said, Me and Lay Lay walked up and held my certificate up. She tried to hold it with Mommy.

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