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Prom theme in the mm.

Megan POV ~

April 7th, 2014

Downtown Texas


Today is prom!!! Kentrell and I decided to go and have fun as friends. He's been flirty with me lately. I'm not mad at it. He asked me on a date after prom and I accepted the offer. We're going to the same school anyway so if it leads to a relationship so be it. He really has taken the role of Malayah's father because he makes sure she's good with anything she needs and even takes care of her to give me and Mani and break. Like now he's upstairs with his daughter as he calls it but Armani, his daughter and Lay Lay are getting ready. Originally she wanted to be upstairs with her "Papa '' , my godfather Jay. Me and Mani are in the same room getting dressed. And Rome and Trell are in the same room. Malayah has been getting bigger and bigger by the day. She is having my nipples sore as hell. Like now. But she loves mommy.

My mom came to see me after my birthday to give me all my important documents and she wanted to see the baby. But I knew she was not going to be nice and hold the baby correct. Her results came in and she's just depressed and has severe anxiety. Of course postpartum. But she hates me and Lay. I don't know why. But Beyonce said she wanted to talk to me after graduation. She and Andre are coming separately. I think Malik said he's coming. My granny and Nanny are coming so i'm happy about that too. Everyones here now for prom sends off and my mom keeps trying to talk to me and see Lay. But I'm still hurt so I ignore her. I spoke though. Bey and Jay checked on her last week so maybe she's back like before. But I'm not going to deal with her as much because this is the second time she's mistreated me and neglected me. When is was between 5 and 7 she hatted me after 2 miscarriages and my biological fathers drama. I don't think she needs to have anymore kids because she hurts time in the process.


We just arrived and I'm so elated. I look amazing and baby free tonight. My mom cried seeing me and Trell come down the stairs. For pictures the baby was matching and so was Trell's daughter. Everybody kept saying we look like a real family. I mean we looked Goodt.

" Bae can I touch yo ass when we take pictures?" Trell asked. I laughed. We kind of said we would take it slow when we saw each other and put the corsages on. Still going on that date tonight though.


" Damnnnnnnn" Trell yelled when I came down stairs.


" Sorry Ma but do you see her, she is too fine. Come on big fineeee." He said and pointed and she replied 'mhm' he calls all the adult women ma out of respect. Like David did. We took pictures then we put on the corsages.

" So did you think about my text since I couldn't say it in person?" Trell whispered and I laughed

" Yes and we can take it slow but we can't fuck with nobody else. Okay?" I whispered

" Ok I got you bae. You for me if anybody asks and vice versa." He whispered and we hugged after we put the corsages on.

Flashback Over

" Yes you can but don't touch no where else unless you ask." I said.

" Okay got you. We getting fucked up tonight?" He asked and I nodded and we stepped out of the car and started to take pictures. The theme was garden paparazzi.

Dave POV ~



Why is prom so early in the school year? We graduate school in june? I just arrived at the hotel where our prom was being held. Originally I wasn't going anymore. But Ari begged me to come. We had the send off at her house. Everybody said I look so mad. I don't have the love of my life next to me today, what do you expect? I've been seeing her and her friends hanging out more than ever now. At her house with her baby, shopping, trips, movies and everything. I still talk to the guys but they're mad at me for how I treated her. I don't blame them, I'm mad at myself. I still want to know how that's her baby. She was never pregnant. Everybody keeps saying that's her biological sister but she has custody and that's her daughter. It just doesn't sound right. I know she and Trell have been messing around because it's clear as day. She claimed him as the baby's father and the constant flirting. I don't know but I do know I'm going to try and talk to her tonight.

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