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Omniscient POV ~

November 23rd, 2019

Houston General Hospital

9:22 am

After yesterday and Ja's daughter running in seeing her dad beating a man and the rest of the kids witnessing violence from men and women, everyone thought it was a great Idea to go home and get some rest. AJ and his son went to Megans house and continued to pack up everything for their move. Herb took Yoshan and his other 2 kids back to New York so that he can start school out there and get comfortable. Bey and Jay began to get arrangements together to prepare all the kids to move to NYC and get accommodated to their new lives while there on break. Getting them to homeschool was a must because the kids couldn't bear to be at school.

Rumi, Sir, Blue, and Malayah all were being homeschooled and being prepared to move. Difference is Bey and Megan had been doing research to find good schools that taught education from not only New York but other states' curriculum. Finding many PS. 150 schools they found a private PS 150 school in the heart of New York that will allow the kids to go to school privately and then also be prepared to be put out into the world to use real world techniques they learned as a whole.

The next morning, Samira left her house very early. She felt like she needed time to talk to her daughter and learn her a little better. Samira regretted messing up her relationship with her daughter and making her take care of this responsibility that has now brought her so much pain and suffering. It is hard to come out about abuse and not have repercussions behind it. And Samira knew that first hand which is how she ended up almost marrying Megan and Malik, because he saved her from an abusive relationship

Walking into the dimly lit room, a nurse was in the room checking and writing in her daughter's charts. She was a short, older black woman that had curled up due to her hair and makeup done to perfection to fit her less spoiled looking face. She was the definition of black don't crack.

" Are you here to see my patient?" The older lady whispered and looked over her glasses. As her pen came to a stop on her paper.

" Yes she's my daughter and I just need to spend time with her while I can." Samira said as she began to rub her face as a single tear fell down her right cheek.

" While you can? Baby she's not dying, she should be awake later today. She'll need a lot of therapy but she's going to pull through." The nurse said as she grabbed some tissue and handed the box to Smaira. She took a couple and patted her face dry.

" I know she's not dying, but I know people in a coma can hear you and I just want her to hear, before she wakes up and starts hating me again." Samaria said as she held her daughter's hand and rubbed her eyebrow. She knew that was something that helped Megan to calm down when she was little. Megan's heart rate raised a little bit and began to become safely stagnant.

" Baby a child may say they hate, but they really mean they hate the actions you took in raising them. They disagree with you because their modern look on life doesn't correlate with your teachings. I'm sure she doesn't hate you, she just hates what you've done that she doesn't agree with. I'm sure she loves you a lot and just wants to cry out for you, but she can't because she's too prideful to do so." The little nurse said as she wrote the changes in Megan's calm heartbeat and blood pressure.

" Nah I think she hates me and I know it because I hurt her in one of the worst ways a mother could. When she needed me most I was a lost cause and worried about myself like usual." Samira said as she began to shed more tears.

" If you don't mind me asking, What happened to make me feel this way? Because it sounds like a mother being selfish for the first time since she became a mother. When you carry a child and care for that child after it's born, that's a sacrifice you made to give life and continue until you can't. The one time you needed a break and couldn't care for your child anymore because you're tired and needed a true let go. Baby that's Human and normal doesn't feel bad for being human." The little old lady said as she began to sit in a chair next to the bed getting more comfortable. Samira sat in the chair next to the bed too and held her daughter's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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