Amber's Boyfriend Is...?

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"You guys are dating....?" You gasped and gawk at the two people in front of you.   

Jacob smiled just a little too brightly at you. Your eyes trailed down to his hands intertwining with Amber's. It didn't seem to match but nonetheless, you were still confuse. The memories of the times when he had protected from the witch herself. You wondered why... if he had liked her, why did he help you in the first place.   

Shaking your head, you tried to think about something else since it was making your head spin. You settled your eyes back on the latter's face and forced an uncomfortable smile. *I hope you're happy Jacob*   

The latter smiled back the same bright smile and gave Amber's hand a squeeze. Amber glared at you with her eyes with a triumph, and satisfied smile on her face.   


After the incident that had happened to you after the movies, Seth had pulled Nathan aside after sending everyone home, especially making sure that you were safe.   

They walked to a nearby park for a more private spot to talk. It was pretty dark with a few street lights shining a few yards away from each other. There were couples walking hand in hand along the river. It was a bit awkward being with each other at this late in the night but there was no better time.   

Seth scratched the back of his head not knowing how to start the conversation. The two decided to rest against the railing overlooking the river.   

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Nathan started, looking at the other curiously.   

Seth thought about it for a while before opening his mouth to answer, "Carol's plotting something against Luna" He directly said.   

Nathan blinked, not even knowing what the latter had meant by that but kind of got a little idea from what had happened today. "When i went to get snacks, i accidentally overheard her talking with someone about two guys that were going to come.. and then that incident happened"   

Nathan turned around and rest his arms on the railings, facing the moving water of the river. The cool breeze of the night air picked up his hair and felt the cold on his face. He contemplated the thought and frowned, "What does she want from Luna?"   

The other shrugged, "That's what i wanted to ask you" Seth pursed his lip and return back to his quiet thinking mode.   

Suddenly, another voice popped out from behind and Seth's eyes widen, "Jacob?! What are you doing here?!"   

"I think i know what Carol is aiming for" Jacob informed and waved for the two to come closer.   

(End of flashback)  

Amber hung onto Jacob's arm even tighter than before as the atmosphere was getting tense. You rubbed your arm, staring at the ground, not knowing what to say.   

Once in a while, you would hear Amber whispering something in his ear and the light giggles erupted from her mouth. He would always smile back and laughed a light laugh back to her.   

"Luna! Let's go, we'll be late" You heard Nathan's voice somewhere in the distance. Unconsciously, you nodded even though the latter wouldn't be able to see the action.   

You gave the two of them a final wave. Before you left, you saw a small flashed of strange mixture of emotion/expression on Jacob's face. Apologetic, weary, cautious. But the one that you were confuse about was why his eyes showed that he was sad even though he had a bright look on his face. 

*I'm glad you'll be safe now* Jacob thought.

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