Too Excited

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It was one of those days once again. You sprang out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. Grabbing the only toothbrush available in the house you brushed your teeth, washed your face, and fixed yourself in the mirror. You happily skipped back to your room, feeling light as air. Your eyes were fixed on the calendar above your nightstand.   

From the time when your grandma had visited you in the hospital the thought of how she and Nathan knew each other never left your mind. Your smile turned into a big grin as you got dress for the day. Not even caring if your outfit matched, you strut downstairs and strapped on your shoes then plopping down on the couch.   

You stared at the door waiting for it to magically open. Nathan had texted you this morning saying that he'll be picking you up. It was only five minutes past twelve and he's still not here. *What's taking him so long?!* You thought.   

You let out an exhausted sigh and let yourself fall back onto the soft cushion. You stared at the ceiling and let your thoughts wander. You knew your grandma would never keep any secrets from you. So why now? You racked your brains for an answer but you didn't have to think anymore when the doorbell rang.   

You jumped up onto your feet like a dog who have been waiting to be fed since a week of starvation. You hurriedly ran over and unlocked the door. Not even letting Nathan step a foot in your house. You had already locked the door and pulled Nathan along towards the destinated place.   

"Hey hey slow down Luna! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Nathan warned. Holding you back from running any further.   

"Nathan~ Come on let's goo~" You begged. Nathan sighed and reached up to fix your messy hair. "Youe such a kid." He chuckled.   

Grabbing your hand both of you resume walking. Nathan was restless with an uneasy heart. He didn't know what you would think of him after he reveal the secret. You'll probably hate him for the rest of his life. Maybe don't even want to see his face. He could understand since it was such an important thing to lose.   

He lightly squeezed your hand to let calm down a little bit. You were jumping up and down. He smiled at how you could be such a child. What you didn't know was that smile on your face will be gone by the end of the day.   

You banged on the front door of grandma's house. You could here the sound of locks turning from behind the door until it was flung wide open revealing a smiling granny.   

"Hello granny" Nathan politely bow.   

"Ahh Nathan glad you could make it. Come in come in" She ushered both of you into the living room. Before sitting down, she walked into the kitchen and brought back a plate of sweets. "Cookies?"    Y

ou happily took it. With a single bite you could feel it melt in your mouth. You silently squeal to yourself while taking another cookie of the plate. "Granny! What did you want to tell me?" You eagerly looked at your elder.   

She showed you a gentle and then looked over to Nathan. His insides were goig crazy from the nervousness but still nod for granny to go on.   

*Luna, don't hate me...* He hoped, squeezing your hand tightly. 

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